Aspose.Cells for .NET 19.9 Release Notes

CELLSNET-46864Support reading and rendering Control of ODS filesNew Feature
CELLSNET-46877Add SheetRender.ToPrinter(PrinterSettings PrinterSettings) overload to the APIsNew Feature
CELLSNET-46907Configure ZIP compression level for XLSX/XLSBNew Feature
CELLSNET-46890Results of integer division should not be assigned to floating-point variablesBug
CELLSNET-46883PivotTables do not retain multiple select options after processing smart markersBug
CELLSNET-46874Values not derived from formula and require pressing F2 to get values in cellsBug
CELLSNET-46904Hyperlinks are lost when importing data from DataTableBug
CELLSNET-46875Contents overflow from the page during PDF conversionBug
CELLSNET-46865An object is changed after open and saveBug
CELLSNET-46866Setting the font and font size of Drawing.TextBox is not working in ODSBug
CELLSNET-46867Checkboxes lost while resaving XLSXBug
CELLSNET-46873Ref! shown as formula not appliedBug
CELLSNET-46876OLE object link not accessible from XLS fileBug
CELLSNET-46881Grouping and ungrouping does not hide bordersBug
CELLSNET-46884Worksheets are grouped while using VisibilityType.VeryHidden/HiddenBug
CELLSNET-46886Table with single row expanding to one additional row below after saving the workbookBug
CELLSNET-46887Conditional formatting is not retained after opening the file into MS Excel and Save it.Bug
CELLSNET-46891OleObject’s gradient filling is read as FillType.SolidBug
CELLSNET-46894Show sheet tab setting unchecked while saving the Excel fileBug
CELLSNET-46906Aspose.Cells hanged on opening an XLSX fileBug
CELLSNET-46909OLE Object’s formatting changed after opening and saving Excel fileBug
CELLSNET-46857Filter connections on pivot chart lose settings on save after refreshing pivot tablesBug
CELLSNET-46862The setting “Hide items with no data” in slicer is lost after refreshing pivot tablesBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Removes obsoleted Chart.Rotation property

Use Chart.RotationAngle property instead.

Removes obsoleted Chart.IsDataTableShownproperty

Use Chart.ShowDataTableproperty instead.

Removes obsoleted Chart.IsLegendShown property

Use Chart.ShowLegend property instead.

Removes obsoleted Axis.Crosses property

Use the Axis.Crosses property instead.

Removes obsoleted class HTMLLoadOptions

Use class HtmlLoadOptions instead.

Removes obsoleted class JSONUtility

Use class JsonUtility instead.

Adds enum OoxmlCompressionType and XlsbSaveOptions.CompressionType,OoxmlSaveOptions.CompressionType properties.

Represents the compression type for OOXML files.

Removes obsoleted class ODSLoadOptions

Use class OdsLoadOptions instead.
