Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.7 Release Notes

CELLSNET-47432Add FilterString() criteria supportNew Feature
CELLSNET-47410Incorrect sheet type returned for International Macro SheetNew Feature
CELLSNET-47463Support loop over all the PivotFields with a regular for each loopEnhancement
CELLSNET-47408Investigate issues on loading two files synchronize in aspose.cells.appEnhancement
CELLSNET-47441Form Control Links Removed in office 365Enhancement
CELLSNET-47473Check whether the struct or window of the workbook is protected with a password.Enhancement
CELLSNET-47433Worksheet.Cells.RemoveDuplicates does not work or takes too much time.Performance
CELLSNET-46753WorkbookDesigner.Process() hangs for large dataPerformance
CELLSNET-47379HTML to Excel Conversion - Borders are missing when defined in CSSBug
CELLSNET-47394Chart legend containing dates have a different format in PDF outputBug
CELLSNET-47400Conditional Format different from the one that is set in ExcelBug
CELLSNET-47402Pivot tables not refreshedBug
CELLSNET-47404Chinese characters are unreadable when loading the .mht file.Bug
CELLSNET-47411Failed to create a copy of XLSBBug
CELLSNET-47427Content is shifted when exporting to HTMLBug
CELLSNET-47471CellAreas of Conditional formats are not correct after refreshing and calculating PivotTableBug
CELLSNET-47426Incorrect value of data validation ruleBug
CELLSNET-47456GetValidation().IgnoreBlank is not workingBug
CELLSNET-47472Performance issue with setting shared formula feature in newer versionsBug
CELLSNET-47443Autofilters not working properly in Aspose.Cells.GridDesktopBug
CELLSNET-47460Printing GridWeb on recent Firefox (versions: 77 and 78) not workingBug
CELLSNET-47461Selecting multiple cells in GridWeb not working on latest versions of FirefoxBug
CELLSNET-47417The cell height is insufficient in Excel to PDF renderingBug
CELLSNET-47437PDF converted from XLS raises an error in Acrobat ReaderBug
CELLSNET-47423Value axis and category axis labels in charts are not rendered in Excel to PDF conversionBug
CELLSNET-47429Sunburst chart with custom fill color and no data labels throws an error in ToImage methodBug
CELLSNET-47438Scatter chart color Excel to PDF conversionBug
CELLSNET-47401Table values changed after deleting rowsBug
CELLSNET-47407Merged files are corrupted.Bug
CELLSNET-47412Incorrect chart type returned for some chartsBug
CELLSNET-47413Missing chart title for some chartsBug
CELLSNET-47415CopyRows does not use destination named range values in formulaeBug
CELLSNET-47420Different results of ChartType.Line in XLS and XLSXBug
CELLSNET-47425Conditional formatting rule priority incorrect for type DataBarBug
CELLSNET-47430Pasting formatting of a range resulted in an empty range pasted in the destinationBug
CELLSNET-47431Changing Cells number formatting unexpectedly adds bordersBug
CELLSNET-47435Error while updating parameter in DataMashup > PowerQueryFormulaBug
CELLSNET-47444Wrong series name read from Waterfall chartBug
CELLSNET-47447Number format of chart Axis cannot be retrievedBug
CELLSNET-47454Different line heights at the same value in pixelsBug
CELLSNET-47459Chart’s size is changed after converting back from .xlsx to .xlsbBug
CELLSNET-47462Error while importing JSON to ExcelBug
CELLSNET-47465Table’s style lost when saving XLS fileBug
CELLSNET-47477Smart makers FieldName has a dotBug
CELLSNET-47439Null reference exception when applying styleException
CELLSNET-47446Invalid start row index when removing worksheetExceptions
CELLSNET-47466NullReferenceException on loading XLSXExceptions
CELLSNET-47476Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception when loading XLSXExceptions

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds Cells.RemoveDuplicates() method.

Overloaded method of Cells.RemoveDuplicates(…) for user’s convenience to remove duplicated rows in the whole sheet.

Adds TickLabels.DisplayNumberFormat property.

Gets and sets the display number format of tick labels.

Adds Cells.GetViewRowHeight() and Cells.GetViewRowHeightInch() method.

Gets the view row height.

Adds enum SheetType.InternationalMacro.

Adds new sheet type: international macro.

Adds PivotFieldCollection.GetEnumerator() method.

Gets an enumerator over the elements in this collection in the proper sequence.

Adds PivotItemCollection.GetEnumerator() method.

Gets an enumerator over the elements in this collection in the proper sequence.

Adds Workbook.IsWorkbookProtectedWithPassword property.

Indicates whether the structure and window is protected with a password.

Add PowerQueryFormulaParameters and PowerQueryFormulaParameter classes

Represents the power query formula parameters.
