Aspose.Cells for .NET 21.5 Release Notes

CELLSNET-47964Support binding Slicer Report with pivot table and pivot chartNew Feature
CELLSNET-48003Support importing free html with svg imageNew Feature
CELLSNET-47988Reffering to spill range with #New Feature
CELLSNET-47996Support moving existing column in GridWebNew Feature
CELLSNET-48002Support exporting all worksheets to .csv file.New Feature
CELLSNET-47975ArgumentException on CalculateFormula methodEnhancement
CELLSNET-47984Support ELSE function when converting xls to xlsxEnhancement
CELLSNET-47989Support setting global PageOrientationTypeEnhancement
CELLSNET-48051PasteType.Values works only when pasted at other than the source rangeEnhancement
CELLSNET-47956Hang on calculating formulaPerformance
CELLSNET-47982New workbook hang on invalid filePerformance
CELLSNET-48012Improve performance for reading .ods file with large range of validations.Performance
CELLSNET-48039Infinite loop when saving copied workbookPerformance
CELLSNET-44224WordArt watermark is not rendered in the output PDF file formatBug
CELLSNET-47887Text inside shape is misplacedBug
CELLSNET-47920Some contents are missed in HTML to Excel conversionBug
CELLSNET-47981The result of exporting range with merged cells to html is incorrectBug
CELLSNET-47985Less number of rows when converting to htmlBug
CELLSNET-47987Move pivot field to Page section or pivot filtersBug
CELLSNET-47997Additional columns are created after saving file to htmlBug
CELLSNET-48009File is corrupted after saving the workbook with SlicersBug
CELLSNET-48036Slicer control is not added based on Page Filter field of Pivot TableBug
CELLSNET-48044Exception raises when reading a specific mhtml fileBug
CELLSNET-47118Incorrect value ‘TRUE’ retrieved from Cell instead of value ‘FALSE’Bug
CELLSNET-48042Retrieved formatted cell values are wrong in Excel worksheetBug
CELLSNET-48031“Shape to image Error” raises when converting xlsx file to htmlBug
CELLSNET-48037Image is distorted when saving to PDFBug
CELLSNET-47714Text in vertical axis overlaps horizontal axis on chart when converting to EMFBug
CELLSNET-47856XLSX to PDF conversion issue with pivot tablesBug
CELLSNET-47986Chart to Image/PDF - wrong output with Waterfall chart typeBug
CELLSNET-48010Exception when loading an Excel 2010 XLSX filesBug
CELLSNET-48020Form controls are deleted after Load & Save Excel 95 via Aspose.CellsBug
CELLSNET-48033Excel file corrupted after loading and savingBug
CELLSNET-47957“Shape to image Error” raises when converting an Excel file to PDF file formatException
CELLSNET-48027Invalid parameter exception when converting shape to imageException
CELLSNET-48029“Shape to image Error” raisesException
CELLSNET-48017“Input string was not in a correct format” exception when importing html fileException
CELLSNET-48034Invalid font size in Mht file.Exception
CELLSNET-47977Exception when parsing the formula ‘[96]Cost Sheet’!$D$6Exception
CELLSNET-47979Object reference exception on Save methodException
CELLSNET-48040Exception raises while converting XLSB to XLSXException
CELLSNET-47980An error occurred when saving an an Excel file by Aspose.CellsException
CELLSNET-48001Invalid row index exception when calling GetPrintingPageBreaks()Exception
CELLSNET-48022Unexpected Border.LineType of a cellException
CELLSNET-48032Exception when open document ODS fileException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds Slicer.AddPivotConnection(PivotTable pivot) method.

Adds PivotTable connection for slicer.

Adds Slicer.RemovePivotConnection(PivotTable pivot) method.

Removes PivotTable connection of slicer.

Adds TxtSaveOptions.ExportAllSheets property.

Indicates whether exporting all worksheets to the file. The dafaut value is false as MS Excel.

Adds FileFormatType.Numbers09 enum.

Represents the .numbers 09 file format. And FileFormatType.Number will repsents the latest.numbers file format type later.

Adds WorkbookSettings.SetPageOrientationType() method.

Sets the print page orientation type for the whole file.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisAutomatic enum.

Use DataBarAxisPosition.Automatic enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisMidpointe num.

Use DataBarAxisPosition.Midpoint enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisNone enum.

Use DataBarAxisPosition.None enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarBorderType.DataBarBorderNone enum.

Use DataBarBorderType.None enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarBorderType.DataBarBorderSolid enum.

Use DataBarBorderType.Solid enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarFillType.DataBarFillGradient enum.

Use DataBarFillType.Gradient enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarFillType.DataBarFillSolid enum.

Use DataBarFillType.Solid enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarColor enum.

Use DataBarNegativeColorTypeColor enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarSameAsPositive enum.

Use DataBarNegativeColorType.SameAsPositive enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted OleObject.FileFormatType enum.

Use OleObject.FileFormatType enum instead.

Deletes obsoleted DynamicFilterType.Februray enum.

Use DynamicFilterType.Feburay enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.BMP enum and adds FileFormatType.Bmp enum.

Use FileFormatType.Bmp enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.CSV enum and adds FileFormatType.Csv enum.

Use FileFormatType.Csv enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.TSV enum and adds FileFormatType.Tsv enum.

Use FileFormatType.Tsv enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.FODS enum and adds FileFormatType.Fods enum.

Use FileFormatType.Fods enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.MSEquation enum and adds FileFormatType.MsEquation enum.

Use FileFormatType.MsEquation enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.ODF enum and adds FileFormatType.Odf enum.

Use FileFormatType.Odf enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.ODG enum and adds FileFormatType.Odg enum.

Use FileFormatType.Odg enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.ODP enum and adds FileFormatType.Odp enum.

Use FileFormatType.Odp enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.ODS enum and adds FileFormatType.Ods enum.

Use FileFormatType.Ods enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.ODT enum and adds FileFormatType.Odt enum.

Use FileFormatType.Odt enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.OTP enum and adds FileFormatType.Otp enum.

Use FileFormatType.Otp enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.OTS enum and adds FileFormatType.Ots enum.

Use FileFormatType.Ots enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.OTT enum and adds FileFormatType.Ott enum.

Use FileFormatType.Ott enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.SVG enum and adds FileFormatType.Svg enum.

Use FileFormatType.Svg enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.Sxc enum and adds FileFormatType.Sxc enum.

Use FileFormatType.Sxc enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.TIFF enum and adds FileFormatType.Tiff enum.

Use FileFormatType.Tiff enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.VSD enum and adds FileFormatType.Vsd enum.

Use FileFormatType.Vsd enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.VSDX enum and adds FileFormatType.Vsdx enum.

Use FileFormatType.Vsdx enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.XML enum and adds FileFormatType.Xml enum.

Use FileFormatType.Xml enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.XPS enum and adds FileFormatType.Xps enum.

Use FileFormatType.Xps enum instead.

Obsoletes FileFormatType.Excel2003XML enum and adds FileFormatType.SpreadsheetML enum.

Use FileFormatType.SpreadsheetML enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.XPS enum and adds SaveFormat.Xps enum.

Use SaveFormat.Xps enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.TSV enum and adds SaveFormat.Tsv enum.

Use SaveFormat.Tsv enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.TIFF enum and adds SaveFormat.Tiff enum.

Use SaveFormat.Tiff enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.SXC enum and adds SaveFormat.Sxc enum.

Use SaveFormat.Sxc enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.SVG enum and adds SaveFormat.Svg enum.

Use SaveFormat.Svg enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.ODS enum and adds SaveFormat.Ods enum.

Use SaveFormat.Ods enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.Fods enum and adds SaveFormat.Fods enum.

Use SaveFormat.Fods enum instead.

Obsoletes SaveFormat.CSV enum and adds SaveFormat.Csv enum.

Use SaveFormat.Csv enum instead.

Obsoletes LoadFormat.CSV enum and adds LoadFormat.Csv enum.

Use LoadFormat.Csv enum instead.

Obsoletes LoadFormat.TSV enum and adds LoadFormat.Tsv enum.

Use LoadFormat.Tsv enum instead.

Obsoletes LoadFormat.ODS enum and adds LoadFormat.Ods enum.

Use LoadFormat.Ods enum instead.

Obsoletes LoadFormat.SXC enum and adds LoadFormat.Sxc enum.

Use LoadFormat.Sxc enum instead.

Obsoletes LoadFormat.FODS enum and adds LoadFormat.Fods enum.

Use LoadFormat.Fods enum instead.

Adds GridCells.MoveRange() method.

Moves the range.

Adds GridCells.InsertRange() method.

Inserts a range with shift option.

Adds GridCells.DeleteRange() method.

Deletes a range with shift option.
