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Aspose.Cells for .NET 22.12 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-42315 | Support for crtx files - applying custom chart templates | New Feature |
CELLSNET-47895 | Images are distorted in Excel to PDF/HTML rendering | Bug |
CELLSNET-47946 | Image rotation effect is not displayed correctly in pdf/html | Bug |
CELLSNET-47947 | The rectangular box rotation effect in the graphics group is not displayed correctly in pdf/html | Bug |
CELLSNET-52126 | Some shapes are changed after converting Excel file to PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-52197 | Boxes changed when converting XLSX document to PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-52330 | Drawing shapes not rendered fine in HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-50042 | The defined name is changed after re-saving | Bug |
CELLSNET-52270 | YEARFRAC Function is not calculated correctly | Bug |
CELLSNET-52305 | MMULT with OFFSET is not calculated correctly | Bug |
CELLSNET-52307 | Broken link formula returns 0 instead of #REF! | Bug |
CELLSNET-52325 | Workbook.CalculateFormula hangs in some circumstances | Bug |
CELLSNET-52387 | Cell references to tables result in #REF errors after deleting columns | Bug |
CELLSNET-52290 | Charts Axis not being captured correctly | Bug |
CELLSNET-52301 | XLSX Chart to Image: Custom combo chart bars improperly rendered | Bug |
CELLSNET-52336 | Histogram chart is not rendered properly in XLSX to HTML/PDF conversion | Bug |
CELLSNET-52292 | Text is displayed on the wrong page in the output PDF - Excel to PDF conversion | Bug |
CELLSNET-52367 | AutofitRows results in clipped text in PDF conversion output | Bug |
CELLSNET-52242 | Parent-child hierarchy is incorrect while converting Excel to JSON and vice versa | Bug |
CELLSNET-52281 | Json header can not be ignored | Bug |
CELLSNET-52289 | The number format is lost when converting html to excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-52298 | AutoSort option is enabled for the pivot field when re-saving XLSX | Bug |
CELLSNET-52299 | HasRevisions attribute is incorrect after saving a workbook | Bug |
CELLSNET-52332 | Numbers are displayed as ‘#’ or scientific number while converting to html | Bug |
CELLSNET-52338 | The output HTML is nondeterministic | Bug |
CELLSNET-52344 | Hyperlinks are missing in HTML to JSON conversion | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds enum JsonExportHyperlinkType
Represents the type of exporting hyperlink to json files.
Adds JsonUtility.ExportRangeToJson(Range, JsonSaveOptions) and obsoletes ExportRangeToJson(Range, ExportRangeToJsonOptions) method
Use JsonUtility.ExportRangeToJson(Range, JsonSaveOptions) instead.
Adds PivotTable.DataFieldHeaderName property
Gets and sets the name of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
Adds override Range.SetStyle(Style,System.Boolean) method
Only overwrite formatting which is explicitly set when the flag is set
Adds PivotField.NonAutoSortDefault property
Indicates whether a sort operation that will be applied to this pivot field is an autosort operation or a simple data sort.
Adds GlobalizationSettings.GetDataFieldHeaderNameOfPivotTable() method
Gets the local name of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
Adds Chart.PlotVisibleCellsOnly property and obsoletes Chart.PlotVisibleCells property.
Use Chart.PlotVisibleCellsOnly property instead.
Adds JsonSaveOptions.ExportEmptyCells property.
Indicates whether exporting empty cells as null.
Adds JsonSaveOptions.ExportHyperlinkType property.
Represents the type of exporting hyperlink to json.
Adds JsonSaveOptions.ExportNestedStructure property.
Exported as parent-child hierarchy Json structure.
Adds JsonSaveOptions.SkipEmptyRows property.
Indicates whether skipping emtpy rows.
Deletes obsoleted SheetRender.GetPageSize(System.Int32) method
Use SheetRender.GetPageSizeInch(System.Int32) instead.
Deletes obsoleted WorkbookRender.GetPageSize(System.Int32) method
Use WorkbookRender.GetPageSizeInch(System.Int32) instead.
Deletes obsoleted AutoShapeType.TextWave3 and AutoShapeType.TextWave4 enum
Use UseAutoShape.TextDoubleWave1 and UseAutoShape.TextDoubleWave2 instead.