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Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.7.2 Release Notes
Other Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-44242 | Support and usage of CustomXmlParts | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44313 | Get number of rows after applying the filter on GridWeb | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44307 | Detecting encryption on an ODS file does not work | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44301 | Choose TextBox in terms of name instead of index | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44260 | Setting the OleObject.ImageData for existing OleObjects in the Workbook | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44027 | Support IE10 and IE11 in GridWeb | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44305 | Workbook constructor hangs on loading file | Performance |
CELLSNET-44262 | SVG chart image is wrong produced by Aspose.Cells generated excel file | Bug |
CELLSNET-44221 | File is getting corrupted after getting opened and refreshed | Bug |
CELLSNET-44075 | Drawing shapes are not rendering fine - Excel to PDF conversion | Bug |
CELLSNET-44208 | Text in the TextBox is mirrored while rendering spreadsheet to PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-44298 | ICustomFunction tries to resolve HYPERLINK as custom function in place of the native excel function | Bug |
CELLSNET-44268 | Issue with Cells.DeleteRange regarding Image which is not moving upwards | Bug |
CELLSNET-44256 | Issue with calculating formula by Aspose.Cells formula calculation engine | Bug |
CELLSNET-44244 | Text formatting fails after CalculateFormula | Bug |
CELLSNET-44295 | Issue with barcode image quality when converting the worksheet directly to a monochrome | Bug |
CELLSNET-44278 | Range exported as image by Aspose.Cells APIs has text overlapping borders | Bug |
CELLSNET-44251 | Different cells spacing when exporting to pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-44257 | X-Axis and gradient line is wrong when chart is saved in png | Bug |
CELLSNET-44246 | High memory usage while converting to PDF format | Bug |
CELLSNET-44229 | DataLabel’s fill format change from Solid Fill to No Fill after re-saving the spreadsheet with Chart | Bug |
CELLSNET-44228 | DataLabel’s font change from Calibri to Arial after re-saving the spreadsheet with Chart | Bug |
CELLSNET-44018 | Chart2Image functionality generates a larger image with smaller chart in one corner when Display size is set to 150% | Bug |
CELLSNET-44227 | Undesired space between the text of TextBox while rendering Chart to PNG | Bug |
CELLSNET-44306 | GetRangeByName returns null after copying sheet | Bug |
CELLSNET-44299 | Pictures in the spreadsheet are not getting rendered to PDF format | Bug |
CELLSNET-44294 | Click Save button on Excel shows repair warning | Bug |
CELLSNET-44292 | Sample application generates corrupt file with later version | Bug |
CELLSNET-44281 | The signature of this program is corrupt or invalid, error while downloading Aspose.Cells MSI in IE 11 | Bug |
CELLSNET-44261 | Table structured reference is not updated for totalsRowFormula | Bug |
CELLSNET-44259 | XLS shows security warning to enable macros where there is no macro in the spreadsheet | Bug |
CELLSNET-44258 | Cannot start the source application error on embedding pdf in replace of ppt | Bug |
CELLSNET-44253 | ODS output does not produce images | Bug |
CELLSNET-44174 | Table loses left and right borders when saved to pdf or converted to a range | Bug |
CELLSNET-44297 | Inconsistent behaviour while navigating on GridWeb with Tab Key | Bug |
CELLSNET-44290 | Previous cell remains selected while navigating on GridWeb with Mouse | Bug |
CELLSNET-44282 | Doubleclick on a cell causes the GridWeb to lose focus | Bug |
CELLSNET-44273 | Unable to serialize the session state error at acw_ajax_call | Bug |
CELLSNET-44250 | GridWeb readonly/editable cell states issue | Bug |
CELLSNET-44247 | JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn’t support property or method ‘appendChild’ | Bug |
CELLSNET-44235 | Issue with Worksheet.InsertRow() and merged cells - Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop | Bug |
CELLSNET-44104 | Using OnCellClickOnAjax event makes navigation with keys button impossible from editable cell | Bug |
CELLSNET-44293 | Invalid row index exception while converting excel to pdf | Exception |
CELLSNET-44236 | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range, at PivotTable CalculateData | Exception |
CELLSNET-44280 | Array was not long enough exception when opening xlsb file | Exception |
CELLSNET-44279 | Workbook.Save in Tiff format causes a null reference exception | Exception |
CELLSNET-44272 | NullReferenceException at Workbook.Save | Exception |
CELLSNET-44266 | NullReference exception on saving output excel file | Exception |
CELLSNET-44252 | System.NullReferenceException while loading spreadsheet created with MAC’s Number application | Exception |
CELLSNET-44264 | JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property ‘appendChild’ of undefined or null reference | Exception |
CELLSNET-44248 | NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object caused by GridWeb | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds TextBoxCollection[string] property.
Gets the text box by the name.
Adds AbstractCalculationEngine and CalculationData class.
New API for user to implement their own calculation engine to extend the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells.
Adds CalculationOptions.CustomEngine property.
Allow user to use the new custom calculation engine to calculate formulas.