Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.8.1 Release Notes

1) Aspose.Cells

CELLSNET-41817Setting text effect to Offset in Rectangle ShapeNew Feature 
CELLSNET-44407Border thickness is reduced while rendering when Print Area passes through the cells sharing the borderEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44413Make the default value of WorkbookSettings.IsDefaultEncrypted as falseEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44392Aspose.Cells.xml is missing in the “.\Bin\net4.0” folderEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44291Optimize the code to make hidden empty columns and rows more efficientEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44417API hangs while converting a corrupted & infected spreadsheet to PDFPerformance
CELLSNET-44088Icons for the conditional formatting rules do not render to HTMLBug 
CELLSNET-44263Formatting is lost while importing HTML as XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44427ISO 8601 format dates are being treated as strings instead of datesBug 
CELLSNET-44414Problem with large images during conversion from Excel to PDFBug 
CELLSNET-44341Wrong row heights using AutoFitRows with AutoFitMergedCells option on for Chinese and English words in the cellsBug 
CELLSNET-44309Parenthesis not shown rotated in the output PDF (Excel to PDF conversion)Bug 
CELLSNET-44302SheetRender.ToImage not rendering cells borderBug 
CELLSNET-43237Vertical Symbols are not rendered correctly when converting spreadsheets to PDFBug 
CELLSNET-41907Some of vertical text still cannot be shown properly in the converted PDF fileBug 
CELLSNET-44405Chart image has the “Your Organization” series at 0% even though it is set to 50%Bug 
CELLSNET-44404Worksheet.Copy method is not copying charts correctlyBug 
CELLSNET-44398EMF rendering of chart does not work properly in newer versionBug 
CELLSNET-44397Chart to Image rendering - Text (Data Labels) is more bold than in the original chartBug 
CELLSNET-44387Image generated using Chart.ToImage is incorrectBug 
CELLSNET-44365Part of data series label missing for specific chart generated as image using aspose.cellsBug 
CELLSNET-44426Setting ImportOptions.ConvertNumericData = true results in values with ‘<’ or ‘>’ digit are not displayedBug 
CELLSNET-44408Problem with data validation drop-down/list entries containing a commaBug 
CELLSNET-44403Background watermark is removed while saving XLS to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44402ExternalLink returned wrong DataSource with extended pathBug 
CELLSNET-44394Smart Marker grouping is broken in newer versionBug 
CELLSNET-44390Problem with the Group attribute of Smart Markers - All data is not being processedBug 
CELLSNET-44388Named cells on different worksheet corrupts the workbookBug 
CELLSNET-44379Chart labels disappear after re-saving the spreadsheetBug 
CELLSNET-44329Different saved Pdf file page sizes for selected or not selected cells in the Excel fileBug 
CELLSNET-44400Text is trimmed when charts tick label is long while rendering worksheet to imageBug 
CELLSNET-44401Rotated TextBox is misplaced when rendering worksheet to imageBug 
CELLSNET-44420Error opening Excel2003XML file in Aspose.CellsException 
CELLSNET-44393System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException with merged Aspose.Cells Assembly using ILMergeException 
CELLSNET-44389System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format, at WorkbookDesigner.ProcessException 

2) Aspose.Cells Grid Suite

CELLSNET-42313Support reading Data Validation in Excel file - Aspose.Cells.GridDesktopNew Feature 
CELLSNET-44267Issue with Lazy loading when setting EnableAsync attribute while scrolling in GridWeb controlEnhancement 
CELLSNET-41793Down arrow is not working properly after cell mergeEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44424Select highlight is not correct in GridWebBug 
CELLSNET-44364Formatting of the cell changes after clicking the cell on GridWebBug 
CELLSNET-44343GridDesktop does not show the dropdown while loading spreadsheetBug 
CELLSNET-44409Exception when importing an Excel file into GridWebException 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds WorkbookSettings.PaperSize property.

It’s used to set paper size of the default printer as default paper size of the workbook.

Adds LoadDataFilterOptions class and LoadOptions.LoadDataFilterOptions property.

It’s used to specify which kind of data should be loaded when building the workbook from template file. Filtering loaded data can improve the performance for user’s special purpose, especially when using LightCells APIs.

Adds Worksheet.CalculateFormula(string formula, CalculationOptions opts) method.

It’s used to calculate given formula directly with user custom options.

Adds classes of namespace Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.

It’s used to set the properties of the shape’s text font.

Obsoleted Shape.TextFrame property.

Use Shape.TextBody.TextAlignment property instead.

Adds Shape.TextBody property.

Presents the setting of the shape’s text.

Adds GridCell.CreateValidation(GridValidationType validationType, bool isRequired) method.

Creates a validation object for a grid cell.

Adds GridCell.RemoveValidation() method.

Removes the validation object from a grid cell.

Adds Chart.ToPdf(System.IO.Stream stream) method.

Adds saving chart to PDF as a stream.
