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Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.8.3 Release Notes
1) Aspose.Cells
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-44175 | Support refreshing and calculating Pivot Tables with calculated items | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44535 | Publicise the relevant APIs for adding/manipulating ActiveX controls including Toggle Button | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44482 | Provide an option to save the spreadsheet with Protected View | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44385 | Change character spacing in Excel Textbox | New Feature |
CELLSNET-41013 | Support for “WithoutChart” loading option | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44502 | Support gridlines for Excel to HTML conversion | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44525 | Support decimal value returned by implementation of ICustomFunction and CalculationData.CalculatedValue | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44492 | Print quality of the simulated bold font is not good | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44530 | Add Comment Property to ListObject/Table | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44523 | Using Array Formulas in Smart Markers | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44509 | ImportDataTable with insertRows=true replaces first row with blank line | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44480 | Apply table style to rich text settings | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-44512 | Performance problem in Cells.CopyRows() method | Performance |
CELLSNET-44514 | Problem with PivotItem.IsHidden when refreshing data | Bug |
CELLSNET-44513 | Export Html to Excel - the text “!A1” added to the end of link | Bug |
CELLSNET-44500 | File becomes corrupted after Pivot Table refreshes and copies workbook | Bug |
CELLSNET-44470 | Cell shading is not applied uniformly while converting spreadsheet to HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-44467 | Cannot export all HTML content to Excel when the HTML has nested ‘div’ elements | Bug |
CELLSNET-44490 | Issue with Custom time format | Bug |
CELLSNET-44201 | Issue regarding unsupported chars indices in CHAR formula | Bug |
CELLSNET-44521 | Conversion to PDF results in 2 PDF pages as opposed to Excel’s print preview | Bug |
CELLSNET-44489 | Excel to PDF Conversion - Justified character lost with its formatting | Bug |
CELLSNET-44481 | Excel to PDF rendering - Page break position has been changed | Bug |
CELLSNET-44531 | Aspose.Cells renders the same worksheet to images in different size in Session 1 vs Session 0 | Bug |
CELLSNET-44491 | Non-system installed font not working for TextBoxes | Bug |
CELLSNET-44433 | Image rendered differently from the original chart | Bug |
CELLSNET-44074 | Unnecessary lines on the chart while exporting Chart to Image | Bug |
CELLSNET-44012 | Chart image is different from the source | Bug |
CELLSNET-40572 | Chart area becomes gibberish when converted to PDF .NET | Bug |
CELLSNET-44536 | Aspose.Cells incorrectly recognizes the font size of chart title | Bug |
CELLSNET-44522 | Set the text to the shape from the template file. | Bug |
CELLSNET-44519 | References in table become broken after importing two dimension array into the table | Bug |
CELLSNET-44511 | References in table become broken after some manipulation with file | Bug |
CELLSNET-44508 | Different page sizes in the output PDFs than Excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-44507 | Issue with Shape.GetCharacters() method | Bug |
CELLSNET-44505 | Cell validation does not work correctly with INDIRECT function | Bug |
CELLSNET-44498 | Header rows do not repeat when spreadsheet is converted to PDF with Turkish locale | Bug |
CELLSNET-44496 | OTT is detected as ODS | Bug |
CELLSNET-44494 | TextBox.IsFilled set to false but fill appears as light blue when ODS is viewed in OpenOffice | Bug |
CELLSNET-44488 | File becomes corrupted after shape.UpdateSelectedValue | Bug |
CELLSNET-44329 | Different saved Pdf file page sizes for selected or not selected cells in the Excel file | Bug |
CELLSNET-44271 | ODS to PDF: first 2 pages contain blue shade | Bug |
CELLSNET-44172 | Change in behaviour for Smart Marker processing when used in Pivot Table across 8.6.1 & 8.6.3 | Bug |
CELLSNET-44493 | ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid, while resizing the form control | Bug |
CELLSNET-44528 | ArgumentOutOfRangeException on PivotTable.CalculateData | Exception |
CELLSNET-44526 | Exception: “Input string was not in a correct format.” when loading an HTML file format | Exception |
CELLSNET-44534 | Exception on Workbook.Save method. | Exception |
CELLSNET-41993 | Exception when calling WorkbookDesigner.Process() | Exception |
2) Aspose.Cells Grid Suite
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-44533 | Provide a way to specify the path where GridWeb stores temp session files | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44497 | Provide client side functions to select a range or to get the selected range using JavaScript | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44483 | Support to copy/paste rows in Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop within the control and between the control and Excel | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44499 | Unable to get property ‘style’ of undefined or null reference, caused by setting GridWeb.ShowHeaderBar to false | Bug |
CELLSNET-44524 | Handling large Excel files with Gridweb | Bug |
CELLSNET-44440 | Dropdown in GridWeb shows 4 entries but there are 2 entries under German locale | Bug |
CELLSNET-44506 | InvalidFormula exception at GridWeb.ImportExcelFile | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds Cell.GetCharacters(flag) method
Returns all Characters objects.
Adds OleObject.AutoLoad property
Specifies whether the host application for the embedded object shall be called to load the object data automatically when the parent workbook is opened.
Adds HTMLLoadOptions.SupportDivTag property
Indicates whether to support the layout of
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportGridLines property
Indicating whether to export the gridlines. The default value is false.
Adds ShapeTextAlignment.TextShapeType property
Specifies the preset geometry that will be used for a shape warp on a piece of text.
Adds LoadOptions.SetPaperSize(PaperSizeType type) method
Sets the default print paper size from default printer’s setting.
Deletes obsoleted Workbook.Decrypt() method
Please set the WorkbookSettings.Password as null.
Adds ListObject.Comment property.
Gets and sets the comment of the table.
Adds ShapeCollection.AddActiveXControl() method
Adds ActiveX control.
Adds GridWeb.SessionStorePath property
Gets or sets the session store path when session mode is ViewState, It is a relative path to the current web application base directory.