Aspose.Grid .Net Hot Fix Release Notes

Dear Customers,

   We have just released Aspose.Grid version 1.7.4!

   This release fixed some bugs and brings some great new features.

Aspose.Grid.Web1.New control: GridWebForm, works with a GridWeb control, enables you to display/edit data in a record based form view window.2.New method Validation.LoadValueList, loads value/text items to the dropdownlist or listmenu.3.Enhanced List/DropDownList/FreeList features, supports Value/Text pair in a list item.4.Supports DataSourceControl DataBinding in Vs.NET 2005.5.Supports DropDown Calendar control in a Date/DateTime validation cell.6.New Property GridWeb.EnableSmartNavigation(bool), Enabled by default. Supports Background Post Back and smooth visual effect without page refreshing.7.New event: GridWeb.BindingChildView, enables you to modify the default child view’s bindcolumns before binding the child view sheet.

Aspose.Grid.Desktop1.Fixed the bug of text direction when rotating 90 or -90 degrees.2.Extend no wrap text supported.3.Stdev, averagea functions supported.
