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Aspose.Cells for Python via Java 22.9 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-44194 | Drawing shape is not rendered in Excel to PDF rendering | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-44864 | Concurrent loading of workbooks throws spurious “File is corrupted” errors | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44327 | Borders and fewer lines shown in black and white pie slices in chart to image rendering | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44591 | Text rotation of labels does not match with Excel in the output image of the chart | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44775 | Chart labels overlapped in chart to image rendering | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44860 | the display of cell text does not same as in excel in some merged areas | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44832 | Multi pages are output instead of one page as in Excel while converting to pdf | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44812 | Unable to decrease the plot area for the chart | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44831 | MS Word prompts an error “Word found unreadable content in…” when opening the converted DOCX from XLSX file by Aspose.Cells for Java | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44833 | Text color is not applied to different words or part of contents in the output Excel file when using Cell.setHtmlString() method | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44852 | The border is incorrect when the static Excel file is converted to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44856 | Excel to HTML conversion - Sparkline (mini chart) is not displayed/rendered | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44859 | Some Html formattings are not working for worksheet cells in an existing Excel file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-44842 | Exception “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” when converting an XLSX file to PDF | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds Cell.SetTableFormula(…) methods
Support to set formulas for range of cells to create two-variable data table and one-variable data table.
Adds Cell.SetDynamicArrayFormula(string arrayFormula, FormulaParseOptions options, object[][] values, bool calculateRange, bool calculateValue, CalculationOptions copts) method
Support to set dynamic array formula with custom options for calculation, especially when there are functions which need user’s custom engine for calculation in the formula.
Adds Workbook.RefreshDynamicArrayFormulas(bool calculate, CalculationOptions copts) method
Support to refresh dynamic array formulas with custom options for calculation, especially when there are functions which need user’s custom engine for calculation functions in the dynamic array formulas.
Adds ChartFrame.TextOptions property.
Represents the font options of the chart’s text.
Adds ExportRangeToJsonOptions.ExportEmptyCells property.
Indicates whether exporting null if the cells are empty.
Add NumbersLoadOptions constructor.
Represents the options of loading numbers.
Adds enum LoadNumbersTableType.
Represnts the type of loading multi tables in a worksheet of the Mac .numbers.
Adds ProtectedRange.IsProtectedWithPassword property.
Inidicates whether the range is protected with password.
Adds ImportTableOptions.ExportCaptionAsFieldName properties
Indicates whether exporting caption as field name when importing data table.
Adds TextOptions.LanguageCode property.
Gets and sets the language code of the font.
Adds enum PresetThemeGradientType.
Represents the preset theme gradient type.
Adds GradientFill.SetPresetThemeGradient() method.
Sets the preset theme gradient type.
Adds override Style.SetBorder() methods.
Sets the borders with various kinds of color.
Adds Range.SetOutlineBorder() and Range.SetOutlineBorders() methods
Sets the borders of the range with various kinds of color.