Chart to Image

Rendering Charts

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET APIs support to convert the Excel Charts to images formats without requiring any additional tools or applications. In order to provide rendering support, the Chart class has exposed to_image methods with a verity of overloads to best suit the application requirements.

Rendering Charts to Images

The Chart.to_image method has a verity of overloads to support simple as well as advanced rendering. If the application requirement is to render the chart in its default dimensions, we suggest you use the Chart.to_image method as follow.

It is also possible to render the charts to images with advanced settings. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET APIs have exposed an overload version of Chart.to_image method that could accept an instance of ImageOrPrintOptions, while allowing to specify parameters such as resolution, smoothing mode, image format and so on.

from aspose.cells.rendering import ImageOrPrintOptions
from aspose.pydrawing.drawing2d import SmoothingMode
options = ImageOrPrintOptions()
options.vertical_resolution = 300
options.horizontal_resolution = 300
options.smoothing_mode = SmoothingMode.ANTI_ALIAS
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:#
# Create an instance of ImageOrPrintOptions and set a few properties
options = options
# Convert chart to image with additional settings
chart.to_image(dataDir + "chartPNG_out.png", options)

Supported Chart Types for Rendering

There are a few chart types that are currently not supported for rendering. Such chart types contain N in the Supported column of the below table.

Chart type Chart sub-type Supported
Column Column Y
  ColumnStacked Y
  Column100PercentStacked Y
  Column3DClustered Y
  Column3DStacked Y
  Column3D100PercentStacked Y
  Column3D Y
Bar Bar Y
  BarStacked Y
  Bar100PercentStacked Y
  Bar3DClustered Y
  Bar3DStacked Y
  Bar3D100PercentStacked Y
Line Line Y
  LineStacked Y
  Line100PercentStacked Y
  LineWithDataMarkers Y
  LineStackedWithDataMarkers Y
  Line100PercentStackedWithDataMarkers Y
  Line3D Y
Pie Pie Y
  Pie3D Y
  PiePie Y
  PieExploded Y
  Pie3DExploded Y
  PieBar Y
Scatter Scatter Y
  ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithDataMarker Y
  ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithoutDataMarker Y
  ScatterConnectedByLinesWithDataMarker Y
  ScatterConnectedByLinesWithoutDataMarker Y
Area Area Y
  AreaStacked Y
  Area100PercentStacked Y
  Area3D Y
  Area3DStacked Y
  Area3D100PercentStacked Y
Doughnut Doughnut Y
  DoughnutExploded Y
Radar Radar Y
  RadarWithDataMarkers Y
  RadarFilled Y
Surface Surface3D N
  SurfaceWireframe3D N
  SurfaceContour N
  SurfaceContourWireframe N
Bubble Bubble Y
  Bubble3D N
Stock StockHighLowClose Y
  StockOpenHighLowClose Y
  StockVolumeHighLowClose Y
  StockVolumeOpenHighLowClose Y
Cylinder Cylinder Y
  CylinderStacked Y
  Cylinder100PercentStacked Y
  CylindricalBar Y
  CylindricalBarStacked Y
  CylindricalBar100PercentStacked Y
  CylindricalColumn3D Y
Cone Cone Y
  ConeStacked Y
  Cone100PercentStacked Y
  ConicalBar Y
  ConicalBarStacked Y
  ConicalBar100PercentStacked Y
  ConicalColumn3D Y
Pyramid Pyramid Y
  PyramidStacked Y
  Pyramid100PercentStacked Y
  PyramidBar Y
  PyramidBarStacked Y
  PyramidBar100PercentStacked Y
  PyramidColumn3D Y
BoxWhisker BoxWhisker Y
Funnel Funnel Y
ParetoLine ParetoLine Y
Sunburst Sunburst Y
Treemap Treemap Y
Waterfall Waterfall Y
Histogram Histogram Y
Map Map N

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