Cut and Paste Range

Cut and Paste Cells

Aspose.Cells provides you with the ability to cut and paste cells within a worksheet by using the **insert_cut_cells ** method of the Cells collection. The **insert_cut_cells ** accepts the following parameters.

  • Range: The range of cells to be cut.
  • Row Index: The index of the row to insert cells.
  • Column Index: The index of the column to insert cells.
  • ShiftType: The shift direction of the columns.

The following example shows how to cut and paste cells within a worksheet.

Sample Code

from aspose.cells import ShiftType, Workbook
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:#
# Source directory
outDir = RunExamples.Get_OutputDirectory()
workbook = Workbook()
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
worksheet.cells.get(0, 2).value = 1
worksheet.cells.get(1, 2).value = 2
worksheet.cells.get(2, 2).value = 3
worksheet.cells.get(2, 3).value = 4
worksheet.cells.create_range(0, 2, 3, 1).name = "NamedRange"
cut = worksheet.cells.create_range("C:C")
worksheet.cells.insert_cut_cells(cut, 0, 1, ShiftType.RIGHT) + "CutAndPasteCells.xlsx")