How to Use Color Palette

Colors and Palette

A palette is the number of colors available for use in creating an image. The use of a standardized palette in a presentation allows the user to create a consistent look. Each Microsoft Excel (97-2003) file has a palette of 56 colors that can be applied to cells, fonts, gridlines, graphic objects, fills and lines in a chart.

With Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET it is possible not only to use the palette’s existing colors but also custom colors. Before using a custom color, add it to the palette first.

This topic discusses how to add custom colors to the palette.

Add Custom Colors to Palette

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET supports Microsoft Excel’s 56 color palette. To use a custom color that is not defined in the palette, add the color to the palette.

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET provides a class, Workbook, that represents a Microsoft Excel file. The Workbook class provides a change_palette method that takes the following parameters to add a custom color to modify the palette:

  • Custom Color, the custom color to be added.
  • Index, the index of the color in the palette that the custom color will replace. Should be between 0-55.

The example below adds a custom color (Orchid) to the palette before applying it on a font.

from aspose.cells import SaveFormat, Workbook
from aspose.pydrawing import Color
from os import os, path
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:#
# The path to the documents directory.
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".")
# Create directory if it is not already present.
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir)
if notIsExists:
# Instantiating an Workbook object
workbook = Workbook()
# Adding Orchid color to the palette at 55th index
workbook.change_palette(Color.orchid, 55)
# Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
i = workbook.worksheets.add()
# Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[i]
# Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet
cell = worksheet.cells.get("A1")
# Adding some value to the "A1" cell
cell.put_value("Hello Aspose!")
# Defining new Style object
styleObject = workbook.create_style()
# Setting the Orchid (custom) color to the font
styleObject.font.color = Color.orchid
# Applying the style to the cell
# Saving the Excel file + "book1.out.xls", SaveFormat.AUTO)