Filter Defined Names while loading Workbook

Possible Usage Scenarios

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET allows you to filter or remove defined names present inside the workbook. Please use LoadDataFilterOptions.DEFINED_NAMES to load defined names and use ~LoadDataFilterOptions.DEFINED_NAMES to remove them while loading the workbook. Please note, if you will remove defined names, then formulas inside the workbook may break up.

Filter Defined Names while loading Workbook

The following sample code loads the sample Excel file which has a formula in cell C1 containing the defined names i.e. =SUM(MyName1, MyName2). Since we are using ~LoadDataFilterOptions.DEFINED_NAMES to remove the defined names while loading the workbook, the formula in cell C1 in output Excel file breaks up and you see #NAME? instead. Please see the following screenshot that shows the effect of the code on the sample Excel file.


Sample Code