Get HTML5 string from Cell

Possible Usage Scenarios

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET returns the HTML string of the cell using the get_html_string(html5) method which accepts a boolean parameter. If you pass false as a parameter, it will return Normal HTML but if you pass true as a parameter, it will return HTML5 string.

Get HTML5 string from Cell

The following sample code creates a workbook object and adds some text in cell A1 of the first worksheet. It then gets the Normal HTML and HTML5 string from cell A1 using the get_html_string(html5) method and prints them on the console.

Sample Code

Console Output


<Font Style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 10pt;COLOR: #000000;">This is some text.</Font>


<div Style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 10pt;COLOR: #000000;">This is some text.</div>