Preserve Single Quote Prefix of Cell Value or Range
Possible Usage Scenarios
When you put some value inside the cell that has leading apostrophe or single quote mark, then Microsoft Excel hides it, but when you select the cell, it displays the leading apostrophe or single quote in a formula bar as shown in the following screenshot.
Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET also hides the leading apostrophe or single quote like Microsoft Excel but it sets the Style.quote_prefix as true for that cell. If you set an empty style of the cell, then Style.quote_prefix becomes false again. In order to deal with this issue, Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET provides Style.quote_prefix property, when it is set false, then Style.quote_prefix is not updated at all and its old value is preserved. It means if the old value of Style.quote_prefix property was true, it will remain true and if the old value was false, it will remain false.
Preserve Single Quote Prefix of Cell Value or Range
The following sample code explains the usage of Style.quote_prefix property as described previously. Please read the comments inside the code and see the console output of the code given below for more help.
Sample Code
from aspose.cells import StyleFlag, Workbook | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# Create workbook | |
wb = Workbook() | |
# Access first worksheet | |
ws = wb.worksheets[0] | |
# Access cell A1 | |
cell = ws.cells.get("A1") | |
# Put some text in cell, it does not have Single Quote at the beginning | |
cell.put_value("Text") | |
# Access style of cell A1 | |
st = cell.get_style() | |
# Print the value of Style.quote_prefix of cell A1 | |
print("Quote Prefix of Cell A1: " + str(st.quote_prefix)) | |
# Put some text in cell, it has Single Quote at the beginning | |
cell.put_value("'Text") | |
# Access style of cell A1 | |
st = cell.get_style() | |
# Print the value of Style.quote_prefix of cell A1 | |
print("Quote Prefix of Cell A1: " + str(st.quote_prefix)) | |
# Print information about StyleFlag.quote_prefix property | |
print() | |
print("When StyleFlag.quote_prefix is False, it means, do not update the value of Cell.Style.quote_prefix.") | |
print("Similarly, when StyleFlag.quote_prefix is True, it means, update the value of Cell.Style.quote_prefix.") | |
print() | |
# Create an empty style | |
st = wb.create_style() | |
# Create style flag - set StyleFlag.quote_prefix as false | |
# It means, we do not want to update the Style.quote_prefix property of cell A1's style. | |
flag = StyleFlag() | |
flag.quote_prefix = False | |
# Create a range consisting of single cell A1 | |
rng = ws.cells.create_range("A1") | |
# Apply the style to the range | |
rng.apply_style(st, flag) | |
# Access the style of cell A1 | |
st = cell.get_style() | |
# Print the value of Style.quote_prefix of cell A1 | |
# It will print True, because we have not updated the Style.quote_prefix property of cell A1's style. | |
print("Quote Prefix of Cell A1: " + str(st.quote_prefix)) | |
# Create an empty style | |
st = wb.create_style() | |
# Create style flag - set StyleFlag.quote_prefix as true | |
# It means, we want to update the Style.quote_prefix property of cell A1's style. | |
flag = StyleFlag() | |
flag.quote_prefix = True | |
# Apply the style to the range | |
rng.apply_style(st, flag) | |
# Access the style of cell A1 | |
st = cell.get_style() | |
# Print the value of Style.quote_prefix of cell A1 | |
# It will print False, because we have updated the Style.quote_prefix property of cell A1's style. | |
print("Quote Prefix of Cell A1: " + str(st.quote_prefix)) |
Console Output
Quote Prefix of Cell A1: False
Quote Prefix of Cell A1: True
When StyleFlag.quote_prefix is False, it means, do not update the value of Cell.Style.quote_prefix.
Similarly, when StyleFlag.quote_prefix is True, it means, update the value of Cell.Style.quote_prefix.
Quote Prefix of Cell A1: True
Quote Prefix of Cell A1: False