Update references in other worksheets while deleting blank columns and rows in a worksheet

Update references in other worksheets while deleting blank columns and rows in a worksheet

Please see the following sample code and its console output. The cell E3 in the second worksheet has a formula =Sheet1!C3 which is referring to cell C3 in the first worksheet. If you will set DeleteOptions.update_reference property as true, this formula will be updated and become =Sheet1!A1 on deleting blank columns and rows in the first worksheet. However, if you will set DeleteOptions.update_reference property as false, the formula in cell E3 of the second worksheet will remain =Sheet1!C3 and become invalid.

Programming Sample

Console Output

This is the console output of the above sample code when DeleteOptions.update_reference property has been set as true.

 Cell E3 before deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.


Cell Formula: =Sheet1!C1

Cell Value: 4

Cell E3 after deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.


Cell Formula: =Sheet1!A1

Cell Value: 4

This is the console output of the above sample code when DeleteOptions.update_reference property has been set as false. As you can see, the formula in cell E3 of the second worksheet is not updated and its cell value is now 0 instead of 4 which is invalid.

 Cell E3 before deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.


Cell Formula: =Sheet1!C1

Cell Value: 4

Cell E3 after deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.


Cell Formula: =Sheet1!C1

Cell Value: 0