Worksheet Views

Page Break Preview

All worksheets can be viewed in two modes:

  • Normal view.
  • Page break preview.

Normal view is a worksheet’s default view. Page break preview is an editing view that displays a worksheet as it will print. Page break preview shows what data will go on each page so you can adjust the print area and page breaks. Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET developers can enable normal view or page break preview modes.

Controlling View Modes

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET provides a Workbook class that represents a Microsoft Excel file. The Workbook class contains a worksheets collection that allows access to each worksheet in an Excel file.

A worksheet is represented by the Worksheet class. The Worksheet class provides a wide range of properties and methods for managing worksheets. To enable normal or page break preview modes, use the Worksheet class is_page_break_preview property. is_page_break_preview is a Boolean property, which means that it can only store a true or a false value.

Enabling Normal View

Set a worksheet to normal view by setting the Worksheet class is_page_break_preview property to false.

Enabling Page Break Preview

Set any worksheet to page break preview by setting the Worksheet class is_page_break_preview property to true. Doing so switches the worksheet from normal view to page break preview.

A complete example is given below that demonstrates how to use the is_page_break_preview property to enable page break preview mode for the first worksheet of an Excel file.

The book1.xls file is opened by creating an instance of the Workbook class. The view is switched to page break preview for the first worksheet by setting the is_page_break_preview property to true. The modified file is saved as output.xls.

Zoom Factor

Using Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel provides a feature that lets users set a worksheet’s zoom or scaling factor. This feature helps users to see the worksheet contents in smaller or larger views. Users can set the zoom factor to any value.

Aspose.Cells & Zoom Factor

Aspose.Cells allows developers to set the worksheet zoom factor. Aspose.Cells provides a Workbook class that represents a Microsoft Excel file. The Workbook class contains a worksheets collection that allows access to each worksheet in an Excel file.

A worksheet is represented by the Worksheet class. The Worksheet class provides a wide range of properties and methods for managing worksheets. To set a worksheet’s zoom factor, use the Worksheet class' zoom property. The zoom factor is set by assigning a numeric (integer) value to the zoom property.

A complete example is given below that demonstrates how to use the zoom property to set the zoom factor of the first worksheet of the Excel file.

The book1.xls file is opened by creating an instance of the Workbook class. The zoom factor of the first worksheet is set to 75 and the modified file is saved as output.xls.

Freeze Panes

Using Microsoft Excel

Freeze panes is a feature provided by Microsoft Excel. Freezing panes allows you to select data to remain visible when scrolling in a worksheet.

Aspose.Cells & Freeze Panes

Aspose.Cells allows developers to apply freeze panes to worksheets at runtime.

Aspose.Cells provides a Workbook class that represents a Microsoft Excel file. The Workbook class contains a worksheets collection that allows access to each worksheet in an Excel file.

A worksheet is represented by the Worksheet class. The Worksheet class provides a wide range of properties and methods for managing worksheets. To configure freeze panes, call the Worksheet class' freeze_panes method. The freeze_panes method takes the following parameters:

  • row, the row index of the cell that the freeze will start from.
  • column, the column index of the cell that the freeze will start from.
  • frozen_rows, the number of visible rows in the top pane.
  • frozen_columns, the number of visible columns in the left pane

The book1.xls file is opened by calling the Workbook class' constructor while instantiating it and a few rows and columns are frozen in the first worksheet. The modified file is saved as output.xls.

A complete example is given below that shows how to use the freeze_panes method to freeze rows and columns (starting from C4, represented by the 4th row and 3rd column, where the rows and columns start from the 0 index) of the first worksheet of the Excel file.

Split Panes

If you need to split the screen to get two different views in the same worksheet, split panes. Microsoft Excel offers a very handy feature that allows you to view more than one copy of your worksheet, and for you to be able to scroll through each pane of your worksheet independently: split panes.

The panes work simultaneously. If you make a change in one, the change simultaneously appears in the other. Aspose.Cells provides the split panes feature for the users.

Applying and Removing Split Panes

Splitting Panes

Aspose.Cells provides a class, Workbook that represents a Microsoft Excel file. The Workbook class provides a wide range of properties and methods for managing an Excel file. To implement split views, use the Worksheet class' split. To remove the split panes, use the remove_split method.

In the example, we use a simple template file that is loaded, then the set split panes feature is applied on a cell in the first worksheet. The updated file is saved.

After running the above code, the generated file will have a split view.

Removing Panes

Remove split panes using the remove_split method.

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