Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services 2.2.0 Release Notes

Please welcome a new release of Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services V2.2.0.

Major Features

Other Improvements and Changes

(SSRS-40164) Fit to Page feature for exporting Excel report


(SSRS-40204) Export from SSRS is taking very long and returning an error

(SSRS-40202) Export to Excel Error - same worksheet name already exists

(SSRS-40201) After setting HisOption as 2 then clicking the cell ignores the rs:Format parameter when opening the hyperlink into the browser

(SSRS-40200) The header seems to be missing when setting HisOption as 2

(SSRS-40199) Integrity Index by Demo: Text is cutting

(SSRS-40198) Integrity Index by Demo: Top header row is missing

(SSRS-40197) Action Plan Tracking Report: Indentation of text in first column is not coming

(SSRS-40196) Action Plan Tracking Report: Placement of Column Header on Action Plan Tracking Report is incorrect for FY 15 and header for FY14 is missing

(SSRS-40195) Integrity Index Report: Indentation of text in first column is not coming

(SSRS-40194) Integrity Index Report: Header is not merging

(SSRS-40193) Integrity Index Report: Text is not completely visible in the cells

(SSRS-40192) Cover Page Report: Current Date is not displayed

(SSRS-40191) Cover Page Report: Space between the first line and second line is very less

(SSRS-40190) Cover Page Report: Image is distorted

(SSRS-40189) Dashboard Report - Engagement Impact Area text should be in BOLD in the fourth quad

(SSRS-40188) Dashboard Report - Special characters are being displayed incorrectly on Quad 1 of Dashboard. For eg: " is being display instead of

(SSRS-40187) Dashboard Engagement Score Report - Text not clearly visible in many reports.

(SSRS-40186) Item Impact Analysis Report - Gray color background is appearing in first column.

(SSRS-40185) Item Impact Analysis Report - Space on the top of report, between the title and table is more and spaces between the two headings on the top is less.

(SSRS-40184) Integrity Index Report - Report is not getting export in XLSX, giving error : “An error occurred while exporting the report.”

(SSRS-40183) Dashboard Report - In the fourth quad there is a lot of space between the text and the improve, sustain & monitor categories.

(SSRS-40182) Dashboard Report - Engagement score should be in BOLD in the third quad.

(SSRS-40181) No Document Map in Aspose.Cells 2.1.0

(SSRS-40180) Is it possible to auto create “defined names”?

(SSRS-40179) Exception occurring on export - Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.

(SSRS-40178) Excel Encryption Issue

(SSRS-40177) A lot of space being displayed between paragraph and table

(SSRS-40176) Dashboard 4th quadrant height should be similar to 3rd quadrant

(SSRS-40175) Wrapping issue - text are cutting

(SSRS-40174) Excel unreadable content popup on the MDX_ItemImpactAnalysis RDL Export

(SSRS-40173) Formatting issues in Dashboard RDL Export

(SSRS-40171) Error rendering document map

(SSRS-40170) “Excel found unreadable content…” popup occuring in the reports which are using sub reports

(SSRS-40169) Visible grouped rows set hidden in the exported Excel file (XLSX)

(SSRS-40168) Row groupings are lost in the rendered XLSX file format

(SSRS-40167) Exception occuring: Unknown image format:Parameter is not valid.

(SSRS-40166) Wrap Text not working using Aspose.Cells for Reporting

(SSRS-40165) Exporting a report fails - “Could not find any recognizable digits.” error occured

(SSRS-40163) Custom UI Runtime Error in Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.Client.xlam

(SSRS-40162) Aspose.Cells for RS gives Run-time error ‘429’ on Excel 2013 (Windows 8)

(SSRS-40160) Saving and Publishing Aspose Cells SSRS report fail
