Aspose.Cells for .NET 17.6 Release Notes

CELLSNET-45356Enquote all attribute values in HTMLNew Feature 
CELLSNET-45394Support new functions of Office 365New Feature 
CELLSNET-45348Support Table as the data source of the chartNew Feature 
CELLSNET-45317Remove older Web.config settings of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb like force script_path and forcepath New Feature 
CELLSNET-45370Exception message is wrong - The count of Hyperlinks cannot be larger than 66530Enhancement 
CELLSNET-45391Excel footer in the output PDF is not italic - it should be Arial 9 and italicEnhancement 
CELLSNET-45328Copy the PageSetup settings from the existing worksheet Enhancement 
CELLSNET-45345Some part of subscript labels are cut and shifted to a lower lineBug 
CELLSNET-45344Subscript text is displaced to the right a bit - Excel to PDF RenderingBug 
CELLSNET-44595Output Excel file is not good when converting an HTML file to Excel file formatBug 
CELLSNET-44596Output Excel file is not good when converting an HTML file to Excel file format - IBug
CELLSNET-45409Exception thrown after multiple loading and saving an XLS fileBug 
CELLSNET-45411Load Filter causes crash while loading an Excel fileBug 
CELLSNET-45405Using IFERROR with NPER is unable to be processed correctlyBug 
CELLSNET-45414Output PDF should have one page instead of two pagesBug 
CELLSNET-45399Image rendered incorrectly when a cell has Arabic currency nameBug 
CELLSNET-45389Shape of parentheses is rendered wrong in output PDF/imageBug 
CELLSNET-45376Aspose.Cells saved PDF is not like MS Excel saved PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-45400Sparklines not displayed properly when rendered as imageBug 
CELLSNET-45372Incorrect legend item colors when BankActionRatPie chart is converted to imageBug 
CELLSNET-45371Incorrect legend item colors when TotalActionRatPie chart is converted to imageBug 
CELLSNET-45352Aspose.Cells values start from 10.0% to 14.0%Bug 
CELLSNET-45351Aspose.Cells shows values 0Bug 
CELLSNET-45342DataLabels in the chart are not shown or removed in the output fileBug 
CELLSNET-45335Generated chart’s image is incorrectBug 
CELLSNET-45424Custom sorting is lost when saved to XLS by Aspose.Cells APIsBug 
CELLSNET-45421Data sorting is not working on DataSet (having formulas) in the worksheetBug 
CELLSNET-45416Cell border issue in Range.ApplyStyle() methodBug 
CELLSNET-45413An embedded object in Sheet2 missing and scaling is wrongBug 
CELLSNET-45403Data validations end up strange after inserting new columnsBug 
CELLSNET-45401Data validation issue - Value1 contains a “?”Bug 
CELLSNET-45393Cells.DeleteBlankColumns() removes embedded objects in the worksheetBug 
CELLSNET-45392Referencing a column with a header starting with hash sign (’#’) but without “@” signBug 
CELLSNET-45385Opening and saving the XLSB file corrupts itBug 
CELLSNET-45384Unexpected row inserted after Smart Makers in nested listBug 
CELLSNET-45383Hash char ("#") in the table headers and referencing it in other cellBug 
CELLSNET-45382Space in the end of table headers and referencing it in other cellBug 
CELLSNET-45381Cell.GetValidationValue returns incorrect value when using custom data validation formulaBug 
CELLSNET-45378Hyperlink in 3rd worksheet is not identifiedBug 
CELLSNET-45375Exception on opening the template XLS file via Aspose.Cells APIsBug 
CELLSNET-45373When adding rows near a ListObject containing formulas, those formulae are wrongly duplicated upwardBug 
CELLSNET-45369The text format changed (spacing increased) after loading and saving the XLS Bug 
CELLSNET-45368PrintObject property of command buttons is set to true after loading and saving an XLSM fileBug 
CELLSNET-45365The cell formatting lost after rendering to PDF format Bug 
CELLSNET-45361XLSX file is corrupted after changing background image of a chartBug 
CELLSNET-45360Inserting ranges also extend the size of the chart aboveBug 
CELLSNET-45343ListObject.ConvertToRange breaks formulas in the totals rowBug 
CELLSNET-45320Some features are not workingBug 
CELLSNET-45223C1 worksheet is not fully loaded and GridWeb shows only 64 rows instead of 75Bug 
CELLSNET-45222Collapse all the groups of I. 100 worksheet will create an empty space under the 64th rowBug 
CELLSNET-45221Scrolling down control worksheet makes GridWeb to becomes emptyBug 
CELLSNET-45181Vertical scroll bar is lost after expanding the rowsBug 
CELLSNET-45407Exception: “Input string was not in a correct format” when loading an XLSX file formatException 
CELLSNET-45386Exception when copying a sheet with a text boxException
CELLSNET-45379Exception occured on opening Excel fileException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds Gridweb.OnAjaxCallFinishedClientFunction property

Gets or sets the client side function name to be called when ajaxcall finished.

Adds enum StyleModifyFlag.RelativeIndent

Represents relative indent.

Adds TextureFill.IsTiling property

Indicates whether tile picture as texture.

Usage Examples

Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Cells Wiki docs:
