Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.5 Release Notes

CELLSNET-46095Implement function CEILING.PRECISENew Feature 
CELLSNET-46023Support Strict Open XML Spreadsheet formatNew Feature 
CELLSNET-46080The color of the image should be black when converting to PDF Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46087Page Setup PrintErrorType not working in Excel to PDF renderingEnhancement 
CELLSNET-46084PageSetup.PrintDraft does not take effect while Saving to PDF Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46100System.OutOfMemoryException while converting Excel file to PDF Performance
CELLSNET-46033Page field named “Absent item Yes” is lost on RefreshBug 
CELLSNET-46096Calculation error when using calculation chain and defined nameBug 
CELLSNET-46047A few columns are disappeared when importing an Excel file into GridWebBug 
CELLSNET-46110Text wrapping is not correct when “Issue2 wrapping-no_custom_page_size.xlsx” is converted to PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-46109Text wrapping is not correct when “Issue2 wrapping.xlsx” is converted to PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-46108Text wrapping is not correct when “Issue3 wrapping.xlsx” is converted to PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-46088Page Setup zoom factor creates incorrect number of pages in PDFBug 
CELLSNET-46076Exception when saving a workbook to MemoryStreamBug 
CELLSNET-46052Some of the Gridlines around some cells are not drawn correctlyBug 
CELLSNET-46036Chart title is squished where the characters all run together in Excel to PDF renderingBug 
CELLSNET-46082Pie chart legend colors change after saving to PDF and do not match up with Pie chart slicesBug 
CELLSNET-46104Saving XLSB to XLSM creates corrupt MS Excel fileBug 
CELLSNET-46098Named ranges lost when copying into existing workbookBug 
CELLSNET-46077Embedded drawing objects are too narrow in the output file when re-saving an XLSX fileBug 
CELLSNET-46068Aspose.Cells returns blank PDF when saving a SpreadsheetML file as PDFBug 
CELLSNET-46060Data loss occurs while converting ODS to XLSX file formatBug 
CELLSNET-46057Named range does not expand with Smart Markers “shift” parameterBug 
CELLSNET-46055Using “shift” parameter in Smart Markers, the generated rows are not rendered with the same style/formattingBug 
CELLSNET-46048Conditional formatting does not work in Smart Markers with shift parameterBug 
CELLSNET-42764Text cropped in MS Excel cells if the document rows are auto sizedBug 
CELLSNET-41678Resizing a ListObject/Table does not update its conditional formattings Bug 
CELLSNET-46059Unable to open XLS file as it throws exception while loadingException 
CELLSNET-46097Exception “Invalid formula:"‘New’ Name’!G11:G15”." when refreshing pivot chart dataException 
CELLSNET-46075Exception when rendering an Excel file to PDF Exception 
CELLSNET-46101NullReferenceExceptions on opening MS Excel files on Mono Ubuntu LinuxException 
CELLSNET-46085Exception when using ListObject.ConvertToRange methodException 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds new properties Cell.IsTableFormula/IsArrayFormula to replace Cell.IsInTable/IsInArray

Indicates whether one cell is part of the table formula or array formula. Old names make ambiguity, so we made them obsolete and provide new ones.

Adds IndividualFontConfigs class

Represents Font configs for each workbook object.

Adds LoadOptions.FontConfigs property

Gets and sets individual font configs.

Deletes obsoleted FontSetting.ShapeFont property

Use FontSetting.TextOptions property instead.

Adds OoxmlCompliance enum and WorkbookSettings.Compliance property

Supports Strict Open Xml Spreadsheet.

Adds GroupShape.Ungroup() method

Ungroups shapes.

Adds MsoFormatPicture.Gamma property

Gets and sets the gamma of the picture.

Adds TextOptions.FarEastName and TextOptions.LatinName properties

Get and sets the Far East and Latin name of the font.
