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Aspose.Cells for Python via Java 22.4 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-44415Thousand of the getResourceAsAStream calls causes high CPU load and memory consumption during report generationEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-44490add GridWorkbookSetting for GridWebEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-44455When converting XLSX file to PDF, the date in the pivot table becomes a serial numberBug
CELLSJAVA-44370Excel file gets corrupt when opened and saved with Aspose.CellsBug
CELLSJAVA-44381Condition formatting issue when deleting the row or columnBug
CELLSJAVA-44442Opening and saving with Aspose.Cells corrupts the workbookBug
CELLSJAVA-44356picture position issue for print for the file in GridWebBug
CELLSJAVA-44357issues for display in GridWebBug
CELLSJAVA-44398GridWeb display issues from customerBug
CELLSJAVA-44464additional issue 1,column A background color is not same as in excel for yscl.xls at sheet4Bug
CELLSJAVA-44466additional issue 3,setCalculateFormula to false does not workBug
CELLSJAVA-44496Include the caption tag/element for the table when loading htmlBug
CELLSJAVA-44429The effect of Excel chart in excel is different from that in HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-44414Unicode in JSON will break generated XLSX and CSVBug
CELLSJAVA-44404Exception “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid column index” when loading an XLSX file into GridWebException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds DefaultStyleSettings class.

Group of default values for style-related properties.

Adds LoadOptions.DefaultStyleSettings property.

Support to set default values of style-related properties for initializing a Workbook.

Adds TxtSaveOptions.TrimTailingBlankCells property.

Support to remove all blank cells(repeated characters of separator such as “~,~,~,~,”) at the end of row record when exporting csv/tsv.

Adds Style.HasBorders property.

Support to check whether there are borders have been set for the style.

Obsoletes LoadOptions.StandardFont/StandardFontSize properties.

Please use LoadOptions.DefaultStyleSettings.FontName/FontSize instead.

Removes obsolete enum StyleModifyFlag.FontSubscript and FontSuperscript.

Please use StyleModifyFlag.FontScript instead.

Obsoletes Shape.ConnectionPoints properties.

Use GetConnectionPoints() method instead.

Adds Shape.GetConnectionPoints() method.

Get the connection points.

Adds Row.IsCollapsed and Column.IsCollapsed properties.

Indicates whether the row and column is collapsed.

Adds PasteType.ValuesAndFormats enum.

Indicates only copying values and formats.

Adds Shape.IsInGroup property.

Indicates whether the shape is grouped.

Adds AutoFilter.GetCellArea() method.

Gets the area where the specified AutoFilter applies to.

Adds Cells.GetRowOriginalHeightPoint() method.

Gets the original row height, in unit of points.

Adds TimelineCollection.Add(PivotTable pivot, string destCellName, PivotField baseField) method.

Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.

Adds TimelineCollection.Add(PivotTable pivot, int row, int column, PivotField baseField) method.

Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.

Adds TimelineCollection.Add(PivotTable pivot, string destCellName, int baseFieldIndex) method.

Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.

Adds TimelineCollection.Add(PivotTable pivot, int row, int column, int baseFieldIndex) method.

Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.

Adds TimelineCollection.Add(PivotTable pivot, string destCellName, string baseFieldName) method.

Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.

Adds DataLabelShapeType.Line enum.

Represents the Line Shape. This type is not available in Excel, it is only used for some special files.
