Aspose.Cells for Java 2.2.0 Release Notes

We are happy to announce Aspose.Cells for Java 2.2.0!

What’s changed:

  • Sets formulas with row/column/parameters exceeding MS Excel 2003 limit Supports to keep original data that is read from MS Excel 2010 template file Manipulate MS Excel 2010 Sparklines Provides extended Styles saved by MS Excel 2007 for XLS files Supports to auto-detect file format type while opening template file without specifying format for Html and SpreadSheeML files Removes a chart from Charts collection Allows to delete blank rows/columns in the worksheet Supports to save the color to the nearest matching color in the palette when the user specified color is not in the standard palette. Exports rotation attribute of text for Excel to Pdf feature Exports charts as images for Excel to Pdf feature Removes existing Print Area Includes enhancements for saving merged areas: check and remove or combine those duplicated/overlapped areas which might cause the generated file show warning message when it is opened in MS Excel Includes enhancements for adding page breaks: check and remove duplicated page breaks before saving Includes enhancement for Chart to Image feature 65 fixes and other enhancements.

Issues Resolved in Aspose.Cells for Jav

Notable changes for users:

In the old versions, the and methods will always save the resultant file as Excel97TO2003 file format.

From this version, if the workbook’s format type has been specified, the and methods will save the resultant file in the format specified by the Workbook. The format type of workbook can be set by the Workbook.setFileFormatType(int) method. Or, it can be set as the input template file’s format automatically when opening an existing template file.

Moreover, the row/column limit of formulas and parameter count limit of formulas depend on the Workbook’s format type too. Before you exceed the row/column/parameter limit of formulas for MS Excel 2003, you have to set the Workbook’s format explicitly to some other types, such as EXCEL2007.
