Speichern Sie das Dokument Visio programmgesteuert
Visio Übersicht zum Speichern von Zeichnungen
Verwenden Sie dieDiagram.Save Methode zum Speichern einer Microsoft Visio Zeichnung. Es gibt Überladungen, die das Speichern einer Zeichnung in einer Datei ermöglichen. Die Zeichnung kann in jedem von Aspose.Diagram unterstützten Speicherformat gespeichert werden. Eine Liste aller unterstützten Speicherformate finden Sie unterSaveFileFormat Aufzählung.
Speichern Visio Diagram
Die Diagram-Klasse des Aspose.Diagram API stellt eine Visio-Zeichnung dar, und Entwickler können ihr Visio diagram-Objekt in jedem unterstützten Dateiformat speichern. Um eine Microsoft Visio-Datei zu speichern, verwenden Sie einfach dieDiagram.Save-Methode akzeptiert sie einen Dateinamen mit vollständigem Pfad oder ein Dateistromobjekt. Aspose.Diagram API leitet das Speicherformat aus der Dateierweiterung ab und bietet außerdem einen zusätzlichen SaveFileFormat-Parameter zur Angabe des Ausgabedateiformats.
Speichern Sie eine Visio Diagram in einem beliebigen unterstützten Dateiformat
Mit Aspose.Diagram API können Entwickler Visio diagram in jedem unterstützten Dateiformat speichern, wie unten aufgeführt: VSDX, VSDM, VSSX, VSSM, VSTX, VSTM, VDX, VSX, VTX, TIFF, PNG, BMP, EMF, JPEG, PDF, XPS, GIF, HTML, SVG, SWF and XAML
Diagram Programmierbeispiel speichern
Das folgende Beispiel speichert ein Dokument in einer Datei.
// Save a Visio diagram
diagram.Save(GetMyDir() + "MyOutput.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
Festlegen von Visio Speicheroptionen
Es gibt einigeDiagram.Save method overloads that accept a SaveOptions object. This should be an object of a class derived from the SaveOptions class. Each save format has a corresponding class that holds save options for that save format. For example, there is PdfSaveOptions for the SaveFileFormat.PDF save format.
Visio Diagram Speicheroptionen
Diese Beispiele zeigen, wie Sie:
- Verwenden Sie Diagram Speicheroptionen.
- Verwenden Sie PDF Speicheroptionen.
- Verwenden Sie HTML Speicheroptionen.
- Verwenden Sie Bildspeicheroptionen.
- Verwenden Sie SVG Speicheroptionen.
- Verwenden Sie SWF Speicheroptionen.
Verwendung der Diagram-Speicheroptionen
Der folgende Code zeigt, wie Speicheroptionen festgelegt werden, bevor ein Dokument im Format Visio gespeichert wird.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadSaveConvert(); | |
// Call the diagram constructor to a VSDX diagram | |
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx"); | |
// Options when saving a diagram into Visio format | |
DiagramSaveOptions options = new DiagramSaveOptions(SaveFileFormat.VSDX); | |
// Summary: | |
// When characters in the diagram are unicode and not be set with correct font | |
// value or the font is not installed locally, they may appear as block, | |
// image or XPS. Set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these | |
// characters. | |
options.DefaultFont = "MS Gothic"; | |
// Summary: | |
// Defines whether need enlarge page to fit drawing content or not. | |
// Remarks: | |
// Default value is false. | |
options.AutoFitPageToDrawingContent = true; | |
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseDiagramSaveOptions_out.vsdx", options); |
Verwendung der PDF-Speicheroptionen
The code below shows how to set save options before saving a document to a PDF format.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadSaveConvert(); | |
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSDX file | |
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx"); | |
// Options when saving a diagram into the PDF format | |
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions(); | |
// Discard saving background pages of the Visio diagram | |
options.SaveForegroundPagesOnly = true; | |
// Specify the quality of JPEG compression for images (if JPEG compression is used). Default is 95. | |
options.JpegQuality = 100; | |
// Specify default font name | |
options.DefaultFont = "Arial"; | |
// Conformance level for generated PDF document. | |
options.Compliance = PdfCompliance.Pdf15; | |
// Load the certificate from disk. | |
// The other constructor overloads can be used to load certificates from different locations. | |
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(dataDir + "certificate.pfx", "feyb4lgcfbme"); | |
// Sets a digital signature details. If not set, then no signing will be performed. | |
options.DigitalSignatureDetails = new PdfDigitalSignatureDetails(cert, "Test Signing", "Aspose Office", DateTime.Now, PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm.Sha512); | |
// Set encription details | |
PdfEncryptionDetails encriptionDetails = new PdfEncryptionDetails("user password", "Owner Password", PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.RC4_128); | |
options.EncryptionDetails = encriptionDetails; | |
// Sets the number of pages to render in PDF. | |
options.PageCount = 2; | |
// Sets the 0-based index of the first page to render. Default is 0. | |
options.PageIndex = 0; | |
// Set page size | |
PageSize pgSize = new PageSize(PaperSizeFormat.A1); | |
options.PageSize = pgSize; | |
// Save in any supported file format | |
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UsePDFSaveOptions_out.pdf", options); |
Verwendung der HTML-Speicheroptionen
The code below shows how to set save options before saving a document to HTML file format.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadSaveConvert(); | |
// Call the diagram constructor to a VSDX diagram | |
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx"); | |
// Options when saving a diagram into the HTML format | |
HTMLSaveOptions options = new HTMLSaveOptions(); | |
// Summary: | |
// value or the font is not installed locally, they may appear as a block, | |
// set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these | |
// characters. | |
options.DefaultFont = "MS Gothic"; | |
// Sets the number of pages to render in HTML. | |
options.PageCount = 2; | |
// Sets the 0-based index of the first page to render. Default is 0. | |
options.PageIndex = 0; | |
// Set page size | |
PageSize pgSize = new PageSize(PaperSizeFormat.A1); | |
options.PageSize = pgSize; | |
// Discard saving background pages of the Visio diagram | |
options.SaveForegroundPagesOnly = true; | |
// Specify whether to save html as a single file, Default value is false. | |
options.SaveAsSingleFile = true; | |
// Specify whether to include the toolbar or not. Default value is true. | |
options.SaveToolBar = false; | |
// Set title of the HTML document | |
options.Title = "Title goes here"; | |
// Save in any supported file format | |
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseHTMLSaveOptions_out.html", options); | |
// Save resultant HTML directly to a stream | |
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); | |
diagram.Save(stream, SaveFileFormat.HTML); |
Verwendung der Bildspeicheroptionen
Der folgende Code zeigt, wie Speicheroptionen festgelegt werden, bevor ein Dokument im Bilddateiformat gespeichert wird.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadSaveConvert(); | |
// Call the diagram constructor to a VSDX diagram | |
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx"); | |
ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFileFormat.JPEG); | |
// Specify the quality level to use during compositing. | |
options.CompositingQuality = Aspose.Diagram.Saving.CompositingQuality.HighQuality; | |
// Sets the brightness for the the generated images. | |
// This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats. | |
// The default value is 0.5. The value must be in the range between 0 and 1. | |
options.ImageBrightness = 1f; | |
// Summary: | |
// value or the font is not installed locally, they may appear as a block, | |
// set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these | |
// characters. | |
options.DefaultFont = "MS Gothic"; | |
// Sets the number of pages to render in image. | |
options.PageCount = 2; | |
// Sets the 0-based index of the first page to render. Default is 0. | |
options.PageIndex = 0; | |
// Set page size | |
PageSize pgSize = new PageSize(PaperSizeFormat.A1); | |
options.PageSize = pgSize; | |
// Discard saving background pages of the Visio diagram | |
options.SaveForegroundPagesOnly = true; | |
// Sets the color mode for the generated images. | |
options.ImageColorMode = ImageColorMode.BlackAndWhite; | |
// Sets the contrast for the generated images. | |
// This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats. | |
// The default value is 0.5. The value must be in the range between 0 and 1. | |
options.ImageContrast = 1f; | |
// Specify the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated. | |
// This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats. | |
options.InterpolationMode = Aspose.Diagram.Saving.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; | |
// The value may vary from 0 to 100 where 0 means worst quality, | |
// But maximum compression and 100 means best quality but minimum compression. | |
// The default value is 95. | |
options.JpegQuality = 100; | |
// Set a value specifying how pixels are offset during rendering. | |
options.PixelOffsetMode = Aspose.Diagram.Saving.PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed; | |
// Sets the resolution for the generated images, in dots per inch. The default value is 96. | |
options.Resolution = 2f; | |
// Sets the zoom factor for the generated images. | |
// The default value is 1.0. The value must be greater than 0. | |
options.Scale = 1f; | |
// Specify whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines | |
// And curves and the edges of filled areas. | |
options.SmoothingMode = Aspose.Diagram.Saving.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; | |
// Sets the type of compression to apply when saving generated images to the TIFF format. | |
options.TiffCompression = TiffCompression.Ccitt3; | |
// Save in any supported file format | |
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseImageSaveOptions_out.jpeg", options); |
Verwendung der SVG-Speicheroptionen
Der folgende Code zeigt, wie Speicheroptionen festgelegt werden, bevor ein Dokument im Format SVG gespeichert wird.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadSaveConvert(); | |
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file | |
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx"); | |
SVGSaveOptions options = new SVGSaveOptions(); | |
// Summary: | |
// value or the font is not installed locally, they may appear as a block, | |
// set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these | |
// characters. | |
options.DefaultFont = "MS Gothic"; | |
// Sets the 0-based index of the first page to render. Default is 0. | |
options.PageIndex = 0; | |
// Set page size | |
PageSize pgSize = new PageSize(PaperSizeFormat.A1); | |
options.PageSize = pgSize; | |
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseSVGSaveOptions_out.svg", options); |
Verwendung der SWF-Speicheroptionen
Der folgende Code zeigt, wie Speicheroptionen festgelegt werden, bevor ein Dokument im Format SWF gespeichert wird.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadSaveConvert(); | |
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file | |
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx"); | |
SWFSaveOptions options = new SWFSaveOptions(); | |
// Summary: | |
// value or the font is not installed locally, they may appear as a block, | |
// set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these | |
// characters. | |
options.DefaultFont = "MS Gothic"; | |
// Sets the number of pages to render in SWF. | |
options.PageCount = 2; | |
// Sets the 0-based index of the first page to render. Default is 0. | |
options.PageIndex = 0; | |
// Discard saving background pages of the Visio diagram | |
options.SaveForegroundPagesOnly = true; | |
// Specify whether the generated SWF document should include the integrated document viewer or not. | |
options.ViewerIncluded = true; | |
diagram.Save(dataDir + "UseSWFSaveOptions_out.swf", options); |
Sometimes, developers need to save or export Visio diagrams to different file formats programmatically (like VDX, PDF, JPEG and so on).
Save VSD file to different file formats (VDX, PDF and JPEG)
Dieser Artikel enthält ein Codebeispiel, das die Verwendung veranschaulichtVSTO undAspose.Diagram for .NET to save a Microsoft Visio VSD file to a VDX file, PDF file or a JPEG file programmatically. Below are parallel code snippets for VSTO and Aspose.Diagram for .NET that explains how to save a VSD file into different file formats. You’ll notice that the Aspose.Diagram code is shorter. Feel free to use the code and change it to meet your specific needs.
Speichern einer VSD-Datei in anderen Formaten mit VSTO
Mit VSTO können Sie mit Microsoft Visio-Dateien programmieren. So speichern Sie eine Datei in anderen Formaten:
- Erstellen Sie ein Visio-Anwendungsobjekt.
- Machen Sie das Anwendungsobjekt unsichtbar.
- Laden Sie die diagram.
- Save to VDX, PDF and JPEG.
- Beenden Sie das Anwendungsobjekt Visio.
Speichern einer VSD-Datei mit VSTO-Programmierbeispiel
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_KnowledgeBase(); | |
// Create Visio Application Object | |
Visio.Application vsdApp = new Visio.Application(); | |
// Make Visio Application Invisible | |
vsdApp.Visible = false; | |
// Create a document object and load a diagram | |
Visio.Document vsdDoc = vsdApp.Documents.Open(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsd"); | |
// Save the VDX diagram | |
vsdDoc.SaveAs(dataDir + "SaveDiagramToVDXwithVSTO_out.vdx"); | |
// Save as PDF file | |
vsdDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat(Visio.VisFixedFormatTypes.visFixedFormatPDF, | |
dataDir + "SaveDiagramToPDFwithVSTO_out.pdf", Visio.VisDocExIntent.visDocExIntentScreen, | |
Visio.VisPrintOutRange.visPrintAll, 1, vsdDoc.Pages.Count, false, true, | |
true, true, true, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); | |
Visio.Page vsdPage = vsdDoc.Pages[1]; | |
// Save as JPEG Image | |
vsdPage.Export(dataDir + "SaveDiagramToJPGwithVSTO_out.jpg"); | |
// Quit Visio Object | |
vsdApp.Quit(); |
Speichern von VSD-Dateien in anderen Formaten mit Aspose.Diagram for .NET
Mit Aspose.Diagram brauchen Entwickler Microsoft Office Visio nicht in der Maschine und können unabhängig von Microsoft Office Automation arbeiten.
Die folgenden Code-Snippets zeigen, wie Sie:
- Laden Sie eine diagram.
- Save the diagram to VSX, PDF and JPEG.
Speichern der VSD-Datei mit Aspose.Diagram for .NET Programmierbeispiel
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_KnowledgeBase(); | |
// Load an exiting Visio diagram | |
Diagram vsdDiagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsd"); | |
// Save the diagram as VDX | |
vsdDiagram.Save(dataDir + "SaveDiagramToVDXwithAspose_out.vdx", SaveFileFormat.VDX); | |
// Save as PDF | |
vsdDiagram.Save(dataDir + "SaveDiagramToPDFwithAspose_out.pdf", SaveFileFormat.PDF); | |
// Save as JPEG | |
vsdDiagram.Save(dataDir + "SaveDiagramToJPGwithAspose_out.jpg", SaveFileFormat.JPEG); |