Convert Visio to PDF format

Exporting to PDF

This article explains how to export a Microsoft Visio diagram to PDF using Aspose.Diagram for Java API.

Utilisez leDiagram class' pour lire les fichiers diagram et la méthode Save pour exporter le diagram vers n’importe quel format d’image pris en charge.

The image below shows the VSD diagram that the code snippets below export PDF. You can use other diagram formats (VSS, VSSX, VSSM, VDX, VST, VSTX, VSTM, VDX, VTX or VSX) as well.

Le fichier sources.

tâche : image_autre_texte

To export VSD diagram to PDF:

  1. Créez une instance de la classe Diagram.
  2. Call the Diagram classs Save method and set the output format to PDF.

Below is an image of the output PDF file.

Le fichier de sortie PDF.

tâche : image_autre_texte

Exporting to PDF Programming Sample

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(ExportToPDF.class);
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "ExportToPDF.vsd");
// Save as PDF file format + "ExportToPDF_Out.pdf", SaveFileFormat.PDF);

Fractionner plusieurs pages

Aspose.Diagram for Java allows splitting multiple pages while converting the Microsoft Visio Diagram to PDF. The following code snippet shows the functionality.  

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(UsePDFSaveOptions.class);
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSDX file
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Network Diagram_start.vsdx");
// Options when saving a diagram into the PDF format
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
// set SplitMultiPages option
// save in PDF format + "SplitMultiPages.pdf", options);

Utiliser le rappel d’enregistrement de page

In case you have multiple pages, Aspose.Diagram for Java allows using page saving callback while converting the Microsoft Visio Diagram to PDF. The following code snippet shows the functionality.  

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(DocumentConversionProgress.class);
// load a Visio diagram
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");
// create an instance PDF save options class
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
//set page saving call back
options.setPageSavingCallback( new TestDiagramPageSavingCallback());
// save Visio drawing + "Callback_out.pdf", options);

Classe TestDiagramPageSavingCallbackTestDiagramPageSavingCallback Class

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
import com.aspose.diagram.IPageSavingCallback;
import com.aspose.diagram.PageEndSavingArgs;
import com.aspose.diagram.PageStartSavingArgs;
public class TestDiagramPageSavingCallback implements IPageSavingCallback
public void pageStartSaving(PageStartSavingArgs args)
System.out.println("Start saving page index " + args.getPageIndex() + " of pages " + args.getPageCount());
public void pageEndSaving(PageEndSavingArgs args)
System.out.println("End saving page index " + args.getPageIndex() + " of pages " + args.getPageCount());
//don't output pages after page index 8.
if (args.getPageIndex() >= 8)