Connetti forme

Connetti forme

Questa sezione spiega come collegare due forme utilizzando Aspose.Diagram for .NET.

Connetti forme

IlConnetti forme tramite connettore method connect two shapes via a connector in the Pagina classe.

Il codice seguente mostra come:

  1. Crea uno diagram dallo stencil.
  2. Aggiungi due rettangoli alla pagina.
  3. Aggiungi una forma connettore alla pagina.
  4. Connetti i due rettangoli con il connettore usando ConnectShapesViaConnector mothod
  5. salvo diagram

Esempio di programmazione Connect Shapes

Utilizzare il seguente codice nell’applicazione .NET per connettere le forme utilizzando Aspose.Diagram for .NET.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_VisioPages();
string stencil = dataDir + "Basic Shapes.vss";
// create a diagram from stencil
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(stencil);
string connectorMaster = "Dynamic connector";
string rectangleMaster = "Rectangle";
// add two rectangles to page 0
long rectangle1 = diagram.AddShape(2, 2, rectangleMaster, 0);
long rectangle2 = diagram.AddShape(2, 4, rectangleMaster, 0);
// add a connector to page 0
Shape connector1 = new Shape();
long connecter1Id = diagram.AddShape(connector1, connectorMaster, 0);
// connect the two rectangles with the connector
diagram.Pages[0].ConnectShapesViaConnector(rectangle1, ConnectionPointPlace.Right, rectangle2, ConnectionPointPlace.Bottom, connecter1Id);
// If the connection of shapes has name, we also could use connection name to connect like below
//diagram.Pages[0].ConnectShapesViaConnector(shape1, "Port7", shape2, "Port21", connecter1Id);
// The code line above is equal to the below two lines
//diagram.Pages[0].GlueShapeToConnectorBeginX(shape1, "Port7", connecter1Id);
//diagram.Pages[0].GlueShapeToConnectorEndX(shape2, "Port21", connecter1Id);
// Save diagram
diagram.Save(dataDir + "ConnectShapes_out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);