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Aspose.Diagram for Java 20.5 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

DIAGRAMJAVA-50487Displaced text items on converting a VSD to SVGEnhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50692Bold text incorrectly positioned when saving VSDX as SVGEnhancement
DIAGRAMJAVA-50693Images are not present in output SVGBug
DIAGRAMJAVA-50695Can’t save VSDX file as an image - it throws NullPointerExceptionBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for JAVA. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Diagram support forum.

Adds isIntersect  in Shape

Indicates whether this shape intersects with another shape.

 boolean isIntersect = s1.isIntersect(s2);
