Aspose.Diagram for .NET 6.6.0 Release Notes

Other Improvements and Changes

DIAGRAMNET-50156Add support to import the macro enabled Drawing (.VSDM).New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50332Add support to replace the OLE object.New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50566Writing support for new MS Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing 2013 VSDM format.New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50567Writing support for new MS Visio Macro-Enabled Stencil 2013 VSSM format.New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50568Writing support for new MS Visio Macro-Enabled Stencil 2013 VSSM format.New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50569Add support to update the VBA Code.New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50859Add support to import the macro enabled template (.VSTM).New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50860Add support to import the macro enabled stencil (.VSSM).New Feature
DIAGRAMNET-50701VSDX to PDF export - the shape’s boundary color overlaps the internal structure.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50790Diagram exception occurred while loading a VSDX file.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50793The text items are missing on converting a VSD to PDF.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50794The text items are missing on converting a VSD to PNG.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50795The text items are missing on converting a VSD to JPG.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50796The transparent background of images turns into white color on converting VSD to PDF.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50798The transparent background of images turns into white color on converting VSD to JPG.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50804Diagram exception occurred on saving VTX file.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50801Diagram exception occurred on saving VSX file - I.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50803Diagram exception occurred on saving VSX file - II.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50799Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - I.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50800Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - II.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50802Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - III.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50805Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - IV.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50806Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - V.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50807Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - VI.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50808Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - VII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50809Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - VIII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50810Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - IX.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50811Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - X.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50812Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XI.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50813Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50814Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XIII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50815Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XIV.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50816Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XV.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50817Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XVI.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50818Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XVII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50820Diagram exception occurred on saving VDX file - XVIII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50822Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - I.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50823Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - II.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50825Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - III.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50827Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - IV.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50828Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - V.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50830Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - VI.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50831Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - VII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50832Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - VIII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50844Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - IX.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50845Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - X.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50847Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - XI.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50853Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - XII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50854Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - XIII.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50855Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - XIV.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50857Properties of the diagram are not preserved while open and save - XV.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50864The appearance of the process shape is changed on converting a VSD to PDF.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50865The appearance of the process shape is changed on converting a VSD to HTML.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50866Text alignment problem on Converting a VSDX to PDF - I.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50867Text alignment problem on Converting a VSDX to PDF - II.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50868An image is not being preserved on converting a VSD to PDF.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50869Incorrect formatting of the shape on converting a VSD to PDF - I.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50871Incorrect formatting of the shapes on converting a VSD to PDF - II.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50874Extra circles are added while converting a VSD to PDF.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50875Shapes are misplaced on converting a VSD to PDF.Bug
DIAGRAMNET-50876Size of shapes is changed on converting a VSD to PDF.Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

See the list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Diagram support forum.

Adds VSDM, VSSM and VSTM formats in LoadFileFormat class

This version adds support of reading macro-enabled Visio formats.

Adds VSDM, VSSM and VSTM formats in SaveFileFormat class

This version adds support of writing macro-enabled Visio formats.

Adds Vba, VbaProject and VbaModule classes

These classes help to get control over VBA Macro project. Developers may get a VBA Macro code to modify it.

Adds an ImageData property in ForeignData class

It represents an image of ole object as a byte array.

Usage Examples

Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Diagram Wiki docs:
