Save VSD File to Different File Formats

In this article, we compare the conversion features of Aspose.Diagram for .NET with VSTO. It contains .NET code samples to convert VSD files to VDX, PDF, and JPEG file formats.


VSTO lets you program with Microsoft Visio files. To save a file to other formats:

  1. Create a Visio application object.
  2. Make the application object invisible.
  3. Load the diagram.
  4. Save to VDX, PDF, and JPEG.
  5. Quit the Visio application object.
 //Create Visio Application Object

Visio.Application vsdApp = Application;

//Make Visio Application Invisible

vsdApp.Visible = false;

//Create a document object and load a diagram

Visio.Document vsdDoc = vsdApp.Documents.Open("Drawing.vsd");

//Save the VDX diagram


//Save as PDF file


	"Drawing1.pdf", Visio.VisDocExIntent.visDocExIntentScreen,

	Visio.VisPrintOutRange.visPrintAll, 1, vsdDoc.Pages.Count, false, true,

	true, true, true, System.Reflection.Missing.Value);

Visio.Page vsdPage = vsdDoc.Pages[1];

//Save as JPEG Image


//Quit Visio Object



When programming with Aspose.Diagram, you do not need Microsoft Visio on the machine, and you can work independently of Microsoft Office Automation. The code snippets below show how to:

  1. Load a diagram.
  2. Save the diagram to VDX, PDF, and JPEG.
 //Load diagram

Diagram vsdDiagram = new Diagram("Drawing.vsd");

//Save the diagram as VDX

vsdDiagram.Save("Drawing1.vdx", SaveFileFormat.VDX);

//Save as PDF

vsdDiagram.Save("Drawing1.pdf", SaveFileFormat.PDF);

//Save as JPEG

vsdDiagram.Save("Drawing1.jpg", SaveFileFormat.JPEG);

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