Convert Visio to other formats

A Microsoft Visio diagram to be exported.

Exporting to XML

This article explains how to export a Microsoft Visio diagram to XML using Aspose.Diagram for Python via Java.

  • VDX defines an XML diagram.
  • VTX defines an XML template.
  • VSX defines an XML stencil.

The Diagram class' constructors read a diagram and the Save method is used to save, or export, a diagram in a different file format. The code snippets in this article show how to use the Save method to save a Visio file to VDX, VTX and VSX formats.

Exporting VSD to VDX

VDX is a schema-based XML file format that lets you save diagrams in a format that products other than Microsoft Visio can read. It’s a useful format for transferring diagrams between software applications and retaining editable data.

To export a VSD diagram to VDX:

  1. Create an instance of the Diagram class.
  2. Call the Diagram class' Save method to write the Visio drawing file to VDX.

Exporting from VSD to VSX

VSX is an XML format for defining stencils, the basic objects from which a diagram is built up. When a Visio file is converted to VSX, only the stencils are exported.

To export a VSD diagram to VSX:

  • Create an instance of the Diagram class.
  • Call the Diagram class' Save method to write the Visio drawing file to VSX.

The image below shows the output VSX file. Note that the stencils used in the diagram, not the diagram itself, are exported.

Export VSD to VTX

TVX is an XML representation of a template file and stores the settings for the document.

To export a VSD diagram to VTX:

  1. Create an instance of the Diagram class.
  2. Call the diagram class' Save method to write the Visio drawing file in the VTX format.

The image below shows the output VTX file.

Exporting to XML Programming Sample

import jpype
import asposediagram
from asposediagram.api import *
lic = License()
# 1. Exporting VSDX to VDX
# Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file
diagram = Diagram("ExportToXML.vsd")
# Save input VSD as VDX"ExportToXML_Out.vdx", SaveFileFormat.VDX)
# 2. Exporting from VSD to VSX
# Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file
# Save input VSD as VSX"ExportToXML_Out.vsx", SaveFileFormat.VSX)
# 3. Export VSD to VTX
# Save input VSD as VTX"ExportToXML_Out.vtx", SaveFileFormat.VTX)

Exporting to XPS

This article explains how to export a Microsoft Visio diagram to XPS using Aspose.Diagram for Python via Java. Use the Diagram class' constructor to read the diagram files and the Save method to export the diagram to any supported image format.

The code snippets in this article takes the diagram below as an input. You can use other diagram formats (VSS, VSSX, VSSM, VDX, VST, VSTX, VSTM, VDX, VTX or VSX) as well.

To export VSD diagram to XPS:

  1. Create an instance of the Diagram class.
  2. Call the Diagram class' Save method and set XPS as the output format.

The image below shows the output XPS file.

Exporting to XPS Programming Sample

import jpype
import asposediagram
from asposediagram.api import *
lic = License()
# Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file
diagram = Diagram("ExportToXPS.vsd")
# Save as XPS"ExportToXPS_Out.xps", SaveFileFormat.XPS)

Exporting a Diagram to SVG

This article explains how to export a Microsoft Visio diagram to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using Aspose.Diagram for Python via Java.

Use the Diagram class' constructor to read the diagram files and the Save method to export the diagram to any supported image format.

To export VSD diagram to SVG, perform the following steps:

  1. Create an instance of the Diagram class.
  2. Call the class' Save method and set SVG as the export format.

Exporting Diagram to SVG Programming Sample

The code samples show how to export a diagram to SVG using Java.

import jpype
import asposediagram
from asposediagram.api import *
lic = License()
# call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file
diagram = Diagram("ExportToSVG.vsd")
# Save as SVG"ExportToSVG_Out.svg", SaveFileFormat.SVG)

Exporting a Diagram to XAML

This article explains how to export a Microsoft Visio diagram to XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language) using Aspose.Diagram for Python via Java.

Use the Diagram class' constructor to read the diagram files and the Save method to export the diagram to any supported image format.

To export a VSD diagram to XAML:

  1. Create an instance of the Diagram class.
  2. Call the class' Save method and set XAML as the export format.

Exporting to XAML Programming Sample

The code sample show how to export a diagram to XAML using Java.

import jpype
import asposediagram
from asposediagram.api import *
lic = License()
# call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file
diagram = Diagram("ExportToXAML.vsd")
# save as XAML"ExportToXAML_Out.xaml", SaveFileFormat.XAML)

Convert Visio Drawing with Selective Shapes

Using Aspose.Diagram API, developers can select a group of shapes to convert a Visio drawing into any other supported format. RenderingSaveOptions class offers a Shapes member to maintain the group of shapes. Each save option class is the extended form of RenderingSaveOptions class.

To export a Visio drawing with selective shapes:

  1. Create an instance of the Diagram class.
  2. Create an instance of any SaveOption class to specify settings as narrated
  3. Call save method of the Diagram class object and pass save option class object as parameter.

Convert Visio Drawing with Selective Shapes Programming Sample

The code sample shows how to export a drawing with selective Visio shapes.

import jpype
import asposediagram
from asposediagram.api import *
lic = License()
# call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VSD file
diagram = Diagram("DrawingSimple.vsdx")
# create an instance SVG save options class
options = SVGSaveOptions()
shapes = options.getShapes()
# get shapes by page index and shape ID, and then add in the shape collection object
# save Visio drawing"SelectiveShapes_out.svg", options)