
在 Visio 绘图中将多个形状组合在一起

Aspose.Diagram API 允许开发人员将形状分组在一起以一次移动它们。组中的每个形状都保持唯一的身份并具有自己的一组属性。当我们更改一组形状的格式时,它会将新属性分配给每个形状。


ShapeCollection 类公开的 Group 方法可用于将形状组合在一起。


  1. 加载示例 diagram。
  2. 初始化形状数组
  3. 通过 id 获取特定形状。
  4. 通过 id 获得另一个特定的特定形状。
  5. 将形状分配给数组。
  6. 通过调用 Group 方法对形状进行分组。
  7. 保存 diagram


在 Java 应用程序中使用以下代码,使用 Aspose.Diagram for Java API 将形状组合在一起。

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-Java
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(GroupShapes.class);
// load a Visio diagram
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");
// get page by name
Page page = diagram.getPages().getPage("Page-3");
// Initialize an array of shapes
Shape[] ss = new Shape[3];
// extract and assign shapes to the array
ss[0] = page.getShapes().getShape(15);
ss[1] = page.getShapes().getShape(16);
ss[2] = page.getShapes().getShape(17);
// mark array shapes as group
// save visio diagram
diagram.save(dataDir + "GroupShapes_Out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);

将 Visio 形状转换为其他文件格式

Aspose.Diagram for Java API 允许开发人员将单个 Visio 形状转换为任何其他支持的文件格式。在本文中,我们从页面中删除所有其他 Visio 形状,并根据源形状大小自定义页面设置。

转换特定的 Visio 形状

Developers can convert a Visio shape to PDF, HTML, Image, SVG, and SWF by 指定 Visio 保存选项. 此示例代码的工作方式如下:

  1. 加载源 Visio。
  2. 获取特定页面。
  3. 删除背景页面。
  4. 构建一个包含所有形状的哈希表,其中包含 ID 和名称。
  5. 遍历哈希表
  6. 从 Visio 页面中删除所有形状,特定形状除外。
  7. 设置页面大小。
  8. 以任何支持的文件格式保存 Visio 页面。


// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-Java
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(SaveVisioShapeInOtherFormats.class);
double shapeWidth = 0;
double shapeHeight = 0;
// call a Diagram class constructor to load the VSDX diagram
Diagram srcVisio = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");
// get Visio page
Page srcPage = srcVisio.getPages().get(1);
// remove background page
// get hash table of shapes, it holds id and name
Hashtable<Long, String> remShapes = new Hashtable<Long, String>();
for (Shape shape : (Iterable<Shape>)srcPage.getShapes())
// for the normal shape
remShapes.put(shape.getID(), shape.getName());
// iterate through the hash table
Enumeration<Long> enumKey = remShapes.keys();
Long key = enumKey.nextElement();
String val = remShapes.get(key);
Shape shape = srcPage.getShapes().getShape(key);
// check of the shape name
// move shape to the origin corner
shapeWidth = shape.getXForm().getWidth().getValue();
shapeHeight = shape.getXForm().getHeight().getValue();
shape.moveTo(shapeWidth*0.5, shapeHeight*0.5);
// trim page size
// remove shape from the Visio page and hash table
// specify saving options
PdfSaveOptions opts = new PdfSaveOptions();
// set page count to save
// set starting index of the page
// save it
srcVisio.save(dataDir + "SaveVisioShapeInOtherFormats_Out.pdf", opts);

Convert Visio Shape to PDF

The ToPdf method of the Shape class allows to convert a shape into the PDF format.

 // import diagram

Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");

// save a shape in the PDF format

diagram.getPages().get(0).getShapes().getShape(59).toPdf(dataDir + "out.pdf");

Convert Visio Shape to HTML

The ToHTML method of the Shape class allows to convert a shape into the HTML format.

 // import diagram

Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");

HTMLSaveOptions hs = new HTMLSaveOptions();

// save a shape in the PDF format

diagram.getPages().get(0).getShapes().getShape(59).toHTML(dataDir + "out.pdf", hs);

验证两个 Visio 形状是否连接或粘合

Aspose.Diagram for Java API 允许开发人员验证两个 Visio 形状是否粘合或连接。之前,我们在这些帮助主题中看到了如何连接或粘合两个形状:添加和连接 Visio 形状在容器内粘贴形状.


形状类提供 IsGlued 和 IsConnected 属性来确定两个形状是粘合还是连接。



// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-Java
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(VerifyConnectedOrGluedShapes.class);
// call a Diagram class constructor to load the VSD diagram
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");
// set two shape ids
long ShapeIdOne = 15;
long ShapeIdTwo = 16;
// get Visio page by name
Page page = diagram.getPages().getPage("Page-3");
// get Visio shapes by ids
Shape ShapedOne = page.getShapes().getShape(ShapeIdOne);
Shape ShapedTwo = page.getShapes().getShape(ShapeIdTwo);
// determine whether shapes are connected
boolean connected = ShapedOne.isConnected(ShapedTwo);
System.out.println("Shapes are connected: " + connected);
// determine whether shapes are glued
boolean glued = ShapedOne.isGlued(ShapedTwo);
System.out.println("Shapes are Glued: " + glued);

验证 Visio 形状是否在一组形状中

Aspose.Diagram for Java API 允许开发人员验证 Visio 形状是否在一组形状中。


Shape 类提供 IsInGroup 属性来确定 Visio 形状是否在组形状中。



// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-Java
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(RetrieveTheParentShape.class) + "Shapes\\";
// Call a Diagram class constructor to load the VSD diagram
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsdx");
// get a sub-shape by page name, group shape ID, and then sub-shape ID
Shape shape = diagram.getPages().getPage("Page-3").getShapes().getShape(13).getShapes().getShape(2);
System.out.println("Is it in a Group: " + shape.isInGroup());