Aspose.Diagram for .NET 5.0.0 发行说明
- DIAGRAMNET-50022-VSDX 到 VDX 转换,无效数据警告信息
- DIAGRAMNET-50032 - 在流程图中布置形状,形状的位置没有改变。
- DIAGRAMNET-50059-VSD to SVG conversion, incorrect visibility by overlapping of black color
- DIAGRAMNET-50074-VSD to PDF conversion, bullet text lines are going outside the container shape
- DIAGRAMNET-50076-VSD to HTML conversion, bullet text lines are going outside the container shape
- DIAGRAMNET-50107-VSD to PDF conversion, additional white space on the top of actual drawing
- DIAGRAMNET-50133-VSD to PDF conversion, text items with incorrect position
- DIAGRAMNET-50153-InvalidCastException message while saving diagram to SVG format
- DIAGRAMNET-50174 - 无法将形状分配给图层
- DIAGRAMNET-50177-VSD to PDF conversion, missing an empty line from the paragraph
- DIAGRAMNET-50179-VSD to PDF conversion, Shape’s text with incorrect wrapping/layout
- DIAGRAMNET-50213 - 在 Visio 中打开输出 VDX 绘图时出现错误消息
- DIAGRAMNET-50266-VSDX to PDF conversion, shape Fill color is changed
- DIAGRAMNET-50267-VSDX to HTML conversion, shape Fill color is changed
- DIAGRAMNET-50323-VSD to PDF conversion, background color of the shape is not preserved
- DIAGRAMNET-50326-VSDX to PDF conversion, missing textfield at the top right corner
- DIAGRAMNET-50330-VSDX to PDF conversion, shapes are not preserved
- DIAGRAMNET-50331-VSDX to HTML conversion, shapes are not preserved
- DIAGRAMNET-50333-Performance issue while exporting VSDX to PDF format
- DIAGRAMNET-50336-VSDX to PDF conversion, incorrect sequence of line breaks in the shape’s text
- DIAGRAMNET-50337-VSDX to HTML conversion, incorrect sequence of line breaks in the shape’s text
- DIAGRAMNET-50342-VSDX to PDF conversion, incorrect background color of the shapes
- DIAGRAMNET-50343-VSDX to HTML conversion, incorrect background color of the shapes
- DIAGRAMNET-50354 - 在 MS Office 2010/2007 中打开输出 Visio 文件时出现警告