

形状母版是 Visio 模板的另一个名称。使用 Aspose.Diagram,可以检索有关页面、连接器和母版的信息。本文介绍如何从 diagram 获取 ID 和名称。

掌握对象代表一个形状对象在 diagram 中的主人。由 Diagram 类公开的 Masters 属性支持 Aspose.Diagram.Master 对象的集合。此属性可用于检索主人的信息,即主人 ID 和名称。使用 Page.Shapes 属性确定主控形状继承了哪个形状。


以下代码段从 diagram 中检索主人信息。

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Master();
// Call a Diagram class constructor to load the VDX diagram
Diagram vdxDiagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "RetrieveMasterInfo.vdx");
foreach (Aspose.Diagram.Master master in vdxDiagram.Masters)
// Display information about the masters
Console.WriteLine("\nMaster ID : " + master.ID);
Console.WriteLine("Master Name : " + master.Name);


模板是与特定 Microsoft Office Visio 模板相关联的形状集合。使用 Aspose.Diagram,可以将任何形状母版添加到模板中的绘图中。


掌握对象代表一个形状对象在 diagram 中的母版。由 Diagram 类公开的 AddMaster 方法允许从模板添加母版。它提供了以下四种方式:

  • 模板文件路径和主 ID。
  • 模板文件路径和主名称。
  • 模板文件流和主 ID。
  • 模板文件流和主名称。
  • 从源 diagram 添加 master 到 diagram


// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Master();
// Load diagram
Diagram diagram = new Diagram();
// Load stencil to a stream
string templateFileName = dataDir + "NetApp-FAS-series.vss";
Stream stream = new FileStream(templateFileName, FileMode.Open);
// Add master with stencil file path and master id
string masterName = "FAS80xx rear empty";
diagram.AddMaster(templateFileName, 2);
// Add master with stencil file path and master name
diagram.AddMaster(templateFileName, masterName);
// Add master with stencil file stream and master id
diagram.AddMaster(stream, 2);
// Adds master to diagram from source diagram
Diagram src = new Diagram(templateFileName);
diagram.AddMaster(src, masterName);
// Add master with stencil file stream and master id
diagram.AddMaster(stream, masterName);
// Adds shape with defined PinX and PinY.
diagram.AddShape(2.0, 2.0, masterName, 0);
diagram.AddShape(6.0, 6.0, masterName, 0);
// Adds shape with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height.
diagram.AddShape(7.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.5, masterName, 0);


Aspose.Diagram API 允许创建一个掌握从头开始,没有任何模板、绘图或模板。开发者可以自定义创建Master。 Diagram 类公开的 AddMaster 方法允许添加主控。


// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET
public static void Run()
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadSaveConvert();
// Create a new template
Diagram diagram = new Diagram();
// Add master
diagram.Masters.Add(CreateMaster(101, "Regular", dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"));
// Save template
diagram.Save(dataDir + "CreateMasterFromScratch_out.vtx", SaveFileFormat.VTX);
// Create master
public static Master CreateMaster(int masterId, string name, string masterImage)
// Set master properties
Master master = new Master();
master.ID = masterId;
master.Name = name;
master.IconSize = IconSizeValue.Normal;
master.AlignName = AlignNameValue.AlignTextCenter;
master.MatchByName = BOOL.True;
master.IconUpdate = BOOL.True;
master.UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid();
master.BaseID = Guid.NewGuid();
master.PatternFlags = 1;
master.Hidden = BOOL.False;
// Set master's shape properties
Shape shape = new Shape();
double width = 0.5443889263424177;
double height = 0.432916947568133;
shape.ID = 5;
shape.Type = TypeValue.Foreign;
shape.XForm.PinX.Value = 0.2221944631712089;
shape.XForm.PinY.Value = 0.1666458473784065;
shape.XForm.Width.Value = width;
shape.XForm.Height.Value = height;
shape.XForm.LocPinX.Ufe.F = "Width*0.5";
shape.XForm.LocPinY.Ufe.F = "Height*0.5";
shape.XForm.ResizeMode.Value = 0;
shape.TextXForm.TxtPinY.Ufe.F = "-TxtHeight/2";
shape.TextXForm.TxtWidth.Ufe.F = "TEXTWIDTH(TheText)";
shape.TextXForm.TxtHeight.Ufe.F = "TEXTHEIGHT(TheText, TxtWidth)";
// Set connection properties
Connection connection = new Connection();
connection.ID = 1;
connection.NameU = "All";
connection.X.Value = 0.22;
connection.X.Ufe.F = "Width*0.5";
connection.Y.Value = 0.16;
connection.Y.Ufe.F = "Height*0.5";
connection.DirX.Value = 0;
connection.DirY.Value = 0;
connection.Type.Value = 0;
connection.AutoGen.Value = BOOL.False;
connection.Prompt.Ufe.F = "No Formula";
shape.ForeignData.ForeignType = ForeignType.Bitmap;
shape.ForeignData.CompressionType = CompressionType.PNG;
shape.ForeignData.Value = ReadImageFile(masterImage); // EncodedImage.getBytes();
return master;
// Get image bytes
public static byte[] ReadImageFile(string imageLocation)
byte[] imageData = null;
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(imageLocation);
long imageFileLength = fileInfo.Length;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(imageLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
imageData = br.ReadBytes((int)imageFileLength);
return imageData;


有时,开发人员需要获得 Visio 图纸的主人的详细信息。 Aspose.Diagram API 支持此功能。

Aspose.Diagram for .NET 提供Diagram表示 Visio 绘图的类。 Diagram 类公开的 Masters 属性支持 Aspose.Diagram.Master 对象的集合。此属性可用于检索特定主人的详细信息。 MasterCollection 类公开了 GetMasterByName 和 GetMaster 方法,可以调用这些方法来获取 Master 对象。

通过 ID 获取主对象


  1. 创建 Diagram 类的对象。
  2. 调用 Diagram.Masters 类的 GetMaster 方法。

按 ID 编程示例的主对象

以下示例显示如何通过 ID 从 Visio 绘图中获取母版。

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Master();
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VDX file
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "RetrieveMasterInfo.vdx");
// Set master id
int masterid = 2;
// Get master object by id
Master master = diagram.Masters.GetMaster(masterid);
Console.WriteLine("Master ID : " + master.ID);
Console.WriteLine("Master Name : " + master.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Master Name : " + master.UniqueID);



  1. 创建 Diagram 类的对象。
  2. 调用 Diagram.Masters 类的 GetMasterByName 方法。


以下示例显示如何从 Visio 绘图中按名称获取主对象。

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Master();
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VDX file
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Basic Shapes.vss");
// Set master name
string masterName = "Circle";
// Get master object by name
Master master = diagram.Masters.GetMasterByName(masterName);
Console.WriteLine("Master ID : " + master.ID);
Console.WriteLine("Master Name : " + master.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Master Name : " + master.UniqueID);

检查 Visio 绘图中是否存在大师

Aspose.Diagram API 支持检查 Visio 绘图中是否存在母版。使用 MasterCollection 属性,开发人员可以通过名称或 ID 检查母版是否存在。

Aspose.Diagram for .NET 提供Diagram表示 Visio 绘图的类。 Diagram 类公开的 Masters 属性支持 Aspose.Diagram.Master 对象的集合。此属性可用于检查特定主机的存在。 MasterCollection 类公开了可以使用主名称或 ID 参数调用的 IsExist 方法。

通过 ID 检查主状态


  1. 创建 Diagram 类的对象。
  2. 调用 Diagram.Masters 类的 IsExist 方法。

Master Presence by ID 编程示例

以下示例显示如何在 Visio 图形中按 ID 检查主控图是否存在。

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Master();
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VDX file
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Basic Shapes.vss");
// Check master by id
bool isPresent = diagram.Masters.IsExist(2);
Console.WriteLine("Master Presence : " + isPresent);



  1. 创建 Diagram 类的对象。
  2. 调用 Diagram.Masters 类的 IsExist 方法。

Master Presence by Name 编程示例

以下示例显示如何按名称检查 Visio 图形中的主控存在。

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-diagram/Aspose.Diagram-for-.NET
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Master();
// Call the diagram constructor to load diagram from a VDX file
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Basic Shapes.vss");
// Set master name
string masterName = "VNXe3100 Storage Processor Rear";
// Check master object by name
bool isPresent = diagram.Masters.IsExist(masterName);
Console.WriteLine("Master Presence : " + isPresent);