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Aspose.Email for Android via Java 18.12 Release Notes


EMAILNET-34454Create folder hierarchy in PST using string notationEnhancement
EMAILNET-39197Customers solution for Inline Attachment Detection to be investigatedBug
EMAILNET-34398Message to MHTML: Numbering is disturbedBug
EMAILJAVA-39202Error Reading Distribution ListBug
EMAILNET-34464String Format Exception While Loading ICSBug
EMAILNET-39213VCF to MHT ignores encodingBug
EMAILNET-39215Newly created MapiContact missing some information is VCF which is present in MSGBug
EMAILNET-39216System Argument Exception While Loading EMLXBug
EMAILNET-39218File format detected as UnknownBug
EMAILNET-39208MapiMessage Attachment reading issueBug

Added APIs

Method FolderInfo.addSubFolder(String, boolean) Method PersonalStorage.createPredefinedFolder(String, /StandardIpmFolder/int, boolean)

Removed APIs
