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Aspose.Note for .NET 17.3.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Note for .NET is a class library that enables applications to interact with Microsoft Office OneNote programmatically without it being installed on the server. It is a pure alternate for the Microsoft OneNote Object Model and provides better performance and ease of use for managing OneNote documents.

Visit the documentation to learn how to Getting Started.

Major Features

  • Added support for documents printing
  • Added support for hyperlinks in images

Features and Improvements

NOTENET-1668Add support for hyperlinks in images.New Feature
NOTENET-1700Add support to print document.New Feature
NOTENET-2212Optimize file size and saving time of Documents with many page versions.Enhancement
NOTENET-2218Incorrect indent of table content while exporting to PDF and image formats.Bug
NOTENET-1739Wrong tags position and numeration in numbered lists while exporting to PDF and image formats.Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public types were added:Description
Aspose.Note.Saving.PrintOptionsOptions used to print a document.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Note.Document.PrintPrints the document using the default printer.
Aspose.Note.Document.Print(Aspose.Note.Saving.PrintOptions)Prints the document using the default printer.
Aspose.Note.Image.HyperlinkUrlGets or sets the hyperlink associated with the image.
Aspose.Note.Margins.op_Equality(Aspose.Note.Margins,Aspose.Note.Margins)Tests whether two Margins structures are equal.
Aspose.Note.Margins.op_Inequality(Aspose.Note.Margins,Aspose.Note.Margins)Tests whether two Margins structures are not equal.
Aspose.Note.Margins.Equals(System.Object)Tests whether two Margins structures are equal.
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.Equals(System.Object)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.Equals(Aspose.Note.NoteTag)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for the type.
Aspose.Note.NoteTagCore.Equals(Aspose.Note.NoteTagCore)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.NoteTagCore.GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for the type.
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.Equals(System.Object)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.Equals(Aspose.Note.NoteTask)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for the type.
Aspose.Note.NumberList.Equals(System.Object)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.NumberList.Equals(Aspose.Note.NumberList)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.NumberList.GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for the type.
Aspose.Note.Saving.PrintOptions.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the PrintOptions class.
Aspose.Note.Saving.PrintOptions.PrinterSettingsGets or sets the printer settings.
Aspose.Note.Saving.PrintOptions.DocumentNameGets or sets the document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue) while printing the document.
Aspose.Note.Saving.PrintOptions.ResolutionGets or sets the resolution for the generated images, in dots per inch.
Aspose.Note.Saving.PrintOptions.PageSplittingAlgorithmGets or sets algorithm used for page splitting.
Aspose.Note.TextStyle.Equals(System.Object)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.TextStyle.Equals(Aspose.Note.TextStyle)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Aspose.Note.TextStyle.GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for the type.
The following public methods and properties were deleted:Description
The following public constants and enumerations were added:Description
Aspose.Note.Margins.EmptyThe empty margins.