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Aspose.PDF for CPP 20.4 Release Notes

This new version of Aspose.PDF for C++ has codebase of Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.4 and includes all the improvements in terms of bug fixes. We have also included:

  • Support for Converting PDF to PowerPoint PPTX format
  • Support for TIFF images - The API now supports TIFF images based on the support in asposecpplib (CodePorting.Native.Cs2Cpp.API) by Aspose.Words API

Improvements and Changes

PDFCPP-1187Memory leaks in annotation classes [PDF]Bug
PDFCPP-1194Memory leaks in [Aspose.Pdf.Engine.CommonData.Text]Bug
PDFCPP-1203Memory leaks in Aspose.SvgBug
PDFCPP-1204Memory leaks in Aspose.Pdf [XFormCollection <-> XForm]Bug
PDFCPP-1205Memory leaks in Aspose.Doc project [XslFoProperties <->XmlWordElement]Bug
PDFCPP-1209Memory leaks in Aspose.Doc project [other leaks]Bug
PDFCPP-1213Memory leaks in Aspose.Float2FixedBug
PDFCPP-1217Aspose Float2Fixed Memory leak with FONode::parent and child classesBug
PDFCPP-1223template keyword for gcc compilerBug
PDFCPP-1230Aspose Float2Fixed Memory leaks [classes FOText, BasicLink] [FONode]Bug
PDFCPP-1231Aspose Float2Fixed Memory leaks [classes TableBody, TableCell, Block] [FONode]Bug
PDFCPP-1232Aspose Float2Fixed Memory leaks [classes ListBlock, ListItem]Bug
PDFCPP-1239Fix XslCompiledTransformBug
PDFCPP-1240Aspose Float2Fixed Memory leaks [SimplePageMaster::*::siblings]Bug
PDFCPP-1241Issue with converting to DOC format on LinuxBug
PDFCPP-1243implement some System.Linq.Enumerable methodsBug
PDFCPP-1247Fix SortedList classBug
PDFCPP-1255Fix regression in TiffMakerTestBug
PDFCPP-1104Implement progress handler while performing conversionBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Property Aspose.Pdf.Cell.BackgroundImage

Removed APIs

  • Class Aspose.Pdf.LatexLoadOptions is renamed to Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadOptions (Aspose.Pdf.LatexLoadOptions is declared obsolete)
  • Class Aspose.Pdf.LaTeXSaveOptions is renamed to Aspose.Pdf.TeXSaveOptions (Aspose.Pdf.LaTeXSaveOptions is declared obsolete)
  • Class Aspose.Pdf.LatexFragment    is renamed to Aspose.Pdf.TeXFragment    (Aspose.Pdf.LatexFragment is declared obsolete)