Adding JavaScript in PHP

Aspose.PDF - Adding JavaScript

To add JavaScript in Pdf document using Aspose.PDF Java for PHP, simply invoke AddJavaScript class.

PHP Code

# Open a pdf document.
$doc = new Document($dataDir . "input1.pdf");

# Adding JavaScript at Document Level
# Instantiate JavascriptAction with desried JavaScript statement
$javaScript = new JavascriptAction("this.print({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true});");

# Assign JavascriptAction object to desired action of Document

# Adding JavaScript at Page Level
$doc->getPages()->get_Item(2)->getActions()->setOnOpen(new JavascriptAction("app.alert('page 2 is opened')"));
$doc->getPages()->get_Item(2)->getActions()->setOnClose(new JavascriptAction("app.alert('page 2 is closed')"));

# Save PDF Document
$doc->save($dataDir . "JavaScript-Added.pdf");

print "Added JavaScript Successfully, please check the output file.";

Download Running Code

Download Adding JavaScript (Aspose.PDF) from any of the below mentioned social coding sites: