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Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.11 Release Notes

Features and Improvements

PDFJAVA-37154An exception has thrown in a multi-threaded environment.Bug
PDFJAVA-37137Named destinations are lost when processing bookmarks.Bug
PDFJAVA-37250PDF cropping problem.Bug
PDFJAVA-37135PDF to PDF/A-2U - does not highlight target phrase after search.Bug
PDFJAVA-35181Text Replace - Underline property does not work in text replace functionality.Bug
PDFJAVA-36227Replacing Text Causes Text to Go Off-screen.Bug
PDFJAVA-35491PDF to PNG - Conversion is slow.Bug
PDFJAVA-37138Null pointer exception occurs when calling flatten.Bug
PDFJAVA-37078A null pointer error occurred on getting form fields.Bug

Public API changes

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.BaseParagraph Added method: public /* VerticalAlignment */int getVerticalAlignment()

Added new class com.aspose.pdf.DefaultDirectory methods: public static String getDefaultDirectory() public static void setDefaultDirectory(String value)

Added new class com.aspose.pdf.HideAction constructors: public HideAction(Annotation annotation) public HideAction(Annotation annotation, boolean isHidden) public HideAction(String fieldName) public HideAction(String fieldName, boolean isHidden) public HideAction(Annotation[] annotations) public HideAction(Annotation[] annotations, boolean isHidden) public HideAction(String[] names) public HideAction(String[] names, boolean isHidden) methods: public boolean isHidden() public void setHidden(boolean value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.MemoryExtender Added methods: public static boolean isSkipHeavyContentEnabled() public static void setSkipHeavyContentEnabled(boolean value) public static CallBackPageImage getCallBackPageImage() public static void setCallBackPageImage(CallBackPageImage callBackPageImage) public static boolean isEnabledMultiPageImageCache() public static void setEnableMultiPageCache(boolean enableMultiPageImageCache) Added internal interface: public interface CallBackPageImage

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.SignatureField Added method: public InputStream extractImage(ImageType format)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextFormattingOptions added constructor: public TextFormattingOptions()

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode added field: public static final int Undefined = 3;

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextReplaceOptions added constructor: public TextReplaceOptions()

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TocInfo Added methods: public boolean isShowPageNumbers() public void setShowPageNumbers(boolean value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.XFA Added method: public String tryGetTemplateString(String value)