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Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.2.0 Release Notes

Features and Improvements

PDFJAVA-34604Support PDF/A_3U formatNew Feature
PDFJAVA-35730Get graph chart from PDF fileNew Feature
PDFJAVA-35208HTML to PDF - Formatting issues in resultant fileBug
PDFJAVA-36447HTML to PDF: some text is overlapped in resultant PDFBug
PDFJAVA-34556PCL to PDF: multiple pages are overlaping in output PDFBug
PDFJAVA-35803PCL to PDF: contents(table columns) are not expanding as per page layourBug
PDFJAVA-36445Formatting Issue when converting pdf to pptBug
PDFJAVA-35644Exception when trying to extract table from PDF fileBug
PDFJAVA-36323TIFF to PDF - Exception during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35609PDF to PDFA problem with transparent images after conversionBug
PDFJAVA-36115PDF to PDF/A - illegible text on page 9Bug
PDFJAVA-35662PDF to PDFA conversion generates a very large file in sizeBug
PDFJAVA-36365Text to PDF is not working in multithreadingBug
PDFJAVA-36232PDF to PDFA: conversion was working fine in 11.2.0 but 12.0.0Bug
PDFJAVA-35681PDF to TIFF conversion loses the image qualityBug
PDFJAVA-36209PDF to DOC: data alignment issueBug
PDFJAVA-36203PDF to DOC: Table headers are disappearedBug
PDFJAVA-35193Table header not being grouped with first rowBug
PDFJAVA-36391When FormType is changed to Standard, the NullPointerException occurs.Bug
PDFJAVA-36497PDF TO PDF/A Conversion Shows incorrect outputBug
PDFJAVA-36114DropDown value is not preserved when calling flatten() methodBug
PDFJAVA-35968PdfFileInfo hangs forever for a large TIFF imageBug

Public API Changes in Aspose.PDF for Java 17.2.0

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.devices.TiffSettings:

Added methods: public void setIndexedConversionType(/* IndexedConversionType /int value) public / IndexedConversionType */int getIndexedConversionType()

Implemented new enum class com.aspose.pdf.devices.TiffSettings.IndexedConversionType with two fields:

public static final int Simple = 0; public static final int Pixelated = 1;

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Document:

Added method: public boolean convert(PdfFormatConversionOptions options)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfExtractor:

Added method: public void extractMarkedContentAsImages(Page page, String path)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Form:

Added methods: public boolean getRemovePermission() public void setRemovePermission(boolean value) public boolean getEmulateRequierdGroups() public void setEmulateRequierdGroups(boolean value)

Implemented new class com.aspose.pdf.devices.PdfFileInfo with the following methods:

public boolean getUpdateAppearances() public void setUpdateAppearances(boolean value) public boolean getCallEvents() public void setCallEvents(boolean value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.LevelFormat:

Added method: public /* TabLeaderType /int getLineDash() public void setLineDash(/ TabLeaderType */int value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.WatermarkAnnotation:

Added method: public double getOpacity() public void setOpacity(double value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.XfaParserOptions:

Added method: public boolean getEmulateRequierdGroups() public void setEmulateRequierdGroups(boolean value)

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