Extract Text From All the Pages of a PDF Document in PHP

Aspose.PDF - Extract Text From All the Pages

To extract TextrFrom All the Pages Pdf document using Aspose.PDF Java for PHP, simply invoke ExtractTextFromAllPages module. PHP Code

# Open the target document
$pdf = new Document($dataDir . 'input1.pdf');

# create TextAbsorber object to extract text
$text_absorber = new TextAbsorber();

# accept the absorber for all the pages

# In order to extract text from specific page of document, we need to specify the particular page using its index against accept(..) method.
# accept the absorber for particular PDF page
# pdfDocument.getPages().get_Item(1).accept(textAbsorber);

#get the extracted text
$extracted_text = $text_absorber->getText();

# create a writer and open the file
$writer = new FileWriter(new File($dataDir . "extracted_text.out.txt"));
# write a line of text to the file
# tw.WriteLine(extractedText);
# close the stream

print "Text extracted successfully. Check output file." . PHP_EOL;

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