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Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.12

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-46809Hyperlinks and cross-references support on converting PDF to DOCX New Feature
PDFNET-47329Add Font subsets optimization methodEnhancement
PDFNET-32485PDF to PNG conversion issueBug
PDFNET-34936PDF to HTML : Formatting issues in the resultant fileBug
PDFNET-36352PDF to HTML - Hyperlink is removed in the resultant fileBug
PDFNET-37460TIFF to PDF - image in PDF are blurredBug
PDFNET-37684PDF to TIFF image conversion issue.Bug
PDFNET-38391Nested table is not being rendered correctly.Bug
PDFNET-38732SVG to PDF conversion adds some random lines in output PDFBug
PDFNET-38816SVG to PDF conversion renders incorrect documentBug
PDFNET-39005TextFragment HorizontalAlignment Justify now workingBug
PDFNET-39072PDF to HTML - Text is not properly being rendered (character overwrite)Bug
PDFNET-39164SVG to PDF - Resultant PDF appears blankBug
PDFNET-40039PCL to PDF: resultant PDF document missing the textBug
PDFNET-40943PCL to PDF conversion throws SystemExceptionBug
PDFNET-42585Cannot retrieve TextField ValueBug
PDFNET-42808When PDF is converted to Word document, hyperlink is lost.Bug
PDFNET-42937Redacted Text causes the formatting of the document to changeBug
PDFNET-43066Scanned PDF to Excel - resultant file is emptyBug
PDFNET-43374PCL to PDF - An unhandled exception of type ’ ’ occurred in Aspose.Pdf.dllBug
PDFNET-44170PCL to PDF conversion failsBug
PDFNET-45283Aspose.Pdf 18.8 Aspose.Pdf.Metadata always contains String type XmpValue recordsBug
PDFNET-45519Textbox field content isn’t displayed in the output PDF formBug
PDFNET-45640PCL to PDF - output PDF document is not correctBug
PDFNET-46015Aspose.Pdf 19.1: Error converting RTL HTML to PDFBug
PDFNET-46239PCL to PDF - output PDF has wrong Fonts layoutBug
PDFNET-46264XLSX output does not match the source tableBug
PDFNET-46579Images are placed to resources twiceBug
PDFNET-46870Exception when saving EPUB into HTMLBug
PDFNET-46934The character encoding declaration of the HTML document was not found when
prescanning the first 1024 bytes of the file
PDFNET-46935Incorrect font used when viewing output HTML in ChromeBug
PDFNET-47095PDF to PPTX - Chart Labels are missing in outputBug
PDFNET-47125NullReferenceException will occur when saving PDFBug
PDFNET-47165Aspose.Pdf 19.10: Cross-reference table or cross-reference stream not found exception
thrown when converting a particular PDF to image
PDFNET-47195Aspose.PDF 19.9: Exception when try to load a particular LaTeX (.tex) fileBug
PDFNET-47196PCL to PDF - System.SystemException: ‘Font Line Printer is absent.’Bug
PDFNET-47197PCL to PDF - ‘The method or operation is not implemented.’Bug
PDFNET-47228PDF to Word - System.ArgumentNullException exception occursBug
PDFNET-47246Exception when accessing page annotations of PDF document with 3D objectBug
PDFNET-47381License file reports System.InvalidOperationException: The license is not valid for this productBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Property Aspose.Pdf.Optimization.OptimizationOptions.SubsetFonts