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Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.1

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-42062HTML to PDF: inline SVG image is not renderingEnhancement
PDFNET-47419Clarification required on Image Delete Mechanism in the APIEnhancement
PDFNET-43638Extracting the text content from stamp annotationEnhancement
PDFNET-33628Unknown image type : Jpeg exception is occurring when trying to add 8 BPP JPG to PDFBug
PDFNET-34282OutOfMemoryException is occurring during HTML to PDF conversionBug
PDFNET-35760HTML to PDF- contents are appearing twiceBug
PDFNET-36509HTML to PDF - Formatting issues in resultant fileBug
PDFNET-37123HTML to PDF - ArgumentNullException is occurringBug
PDFNET-37213HTML to PDF - Anchor tag is not being honoredBug
PDFNET-37505PDF to HML - NullReferenceException during conversionBug
PDFNET-37697HTML to PDF - Resultant file is blankBug
PDFNET-38093HTML to PDF: Tables are incorrectly renderedBug
PDFNET-38202Html to PDF conversion throws OutOfMemoryExceptionBug
PDFNET-38482HTML to PDF conversion throws IndexOutOfRangeExceptionBug
PDFNET-39625PDF to Image conversion throws NullReferenceExceptionBug
PDFNET-39941SVG to PDF:Base 64 image is not rendering in resultant PDFBug
PDFNET-40480PDF to PNG: conversion throws NullReferenceExceptionBug
PDFNET-40508HTML to PDF - Exception during conversionBug
PDFNET-40604PDF to PDFA throws OutOfMemoryExceptionBug
PDFNET-40728Specific page extraction throws NullReference ExceptionBug
PDFNET-42110Unable to convert page to HTML and save it to stream.Bug
PDFNET-44264NullReference exception on flattening annotationBug
PDFNET-44934PCL to PDF - Program hangs keeps running without generating fileBug
PDFNET-44958Colspan Column Text is being duplicated in case of wide tableBug
PDFNET-44982XmlException on PDF to HTMLBug
PDFNET-45575API is taking more time to fill form fieldsBug
PDFNET-45928An exception occurs when reading a document with redaction
annotation and popup annotation
PDFNET-46564System.NullReferenceException occured after Hocr conversion in save methodBug
PDFNET-46890An issue with conversion PDF into HTML with missing fontBug
PDFNET-46933Exception CrossTableNotFoundException while getting the pageBug
PDFNET-46938NullReferenceException on parsing annotation with 3D contentBug
PDFNET-47091Problem converting PDF to HTMLBug
PDFNET-47181PDF to DOC font are saved incorrectlyBug
PDFNET-47193PDF to HTML gives incorrect charactersBug
PDFNET-47231HTML to PDF links issueBug
PDFNET-47246Exception when accessing page annotations of PDF document with 3D objectBug
PDFNET-47340Import from XFDF issueBug
PDFNET-47342Exception when opening LaTeX fileBug
PDFNET-47353Exception when saving PDF into HTMLBug
PDFNET-47355PDF to DOC - StackOverFlow Exception occursBug
PDFNET-47378NullPointerException Since 19.8 versionBug
PDFNET-47439Unable to cast object exception when opening PCL fileBug
PDFNET-47444TOC pages order backwardBug
PDFNET-43324Cannot add hyperlink to Non-keyboard special charactersBug
PDFNET-43289PDF to XLS - Problem During LoadBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Enumeration Aspose.Pdf.ImageDeleteAction
  • Enumeration member Aspose.Pdf.ImageDeleteAction.None
  • Enumeration member Aspose.Pdf.ImageDeleteAction.ForceDelete
  • Enumeration member Aspose.Pdf.ImageDeleteAction.Check
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.XImageCollection.Delete(System.Int32,Aspose.Pdf.ImageDeleteAction)
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.XImageCollection.Delete(System.String,Aspose.Pdf.ImageDeleteAction)
  • Property Aspose.Pdf.Form.AutoRecalculate