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Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.3

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-44151Support embedding SVG into HTML when saving PDF with imagesNew Feature
PDFNET-44211Adding support for repeating columns in Aspose.Pdf.TableNew Feature
PDFNET-37340High memory utilization when trying to extract text from PDF fileBug
PDFNET-38631Adding Vector image in Aspose.Pdf.Cell throws exceptionBug
PDFNET-38750PDF to PDFA2a: Converting PDF, generated from Aspose.Cells,
to PDFA2a fails the compliance
PDFNET-38973PDF to HTML - Resultant file is not correctBug
PDFNET-39319Image to PDF - Memory is not release even process is completedBug
PDFNET-39345PNG to PDF - Application hangs during conversionBug
PDFNET-39471PDF to HTML - Local hyperlinks are ignored when converted to HTMLBug
PDFNET-39720Remove Unused Fonts from PDF File Very SlowBug
PDFNET-40112PDF to PPTX - Pie Charts are not appearing properlyBug
PDFNET-40138PDF with hieroglyphs is converted to the HTML with corrupted symbolsBug
PDFNET-41133PDF to TIFF: Character spacing is increasedBug
PDFNET-41988Checkboxes in pdf document are not rendered correctly Bug
PDFNET-41996Link with external url in pdf document is not rendered as hyperlinkBug
PDFNET-42343PDF to PDFA: resultant PDFA is not claiming PDFA standardBug
PDFNET-42344PDF to PDFA1b: resultant PDFA does not claim PDFA standardBug
PDFNET-42345PDF to PDFA1b: resultant PDFA does not claim PDFA1b standardBug
PDFNET-42346PDF to PDFA1b: resultant PDFA1b does not claim PDFA1b standardBug
PDFNET-42931Table column rendering issues when using TableBroken.VerticalBug
PDFNET-43346PDF to HTML - the hyperlink is missing on an imageBug
PDFNET-43499PDF document does not pass compliance test after signing itBug
PDFNET-43913Incorrect column splits with the TableBroken propertyBug
PDFNET-44077PDF to HTML: text and lines are misplacedBug
PDFNET-44162PDF to PDF/A-1b - the output PDF does not pass compliance testBug
PDFNET-44168PDF to PDF/A-1b - the output PDF does not pass compliance testBug
PDFNET-44196Underlines are moved to the bottom when the text is spread to more lines.Bug
PDFNET-44209The TextFragment throws an exception while editing the text propertyBug
PDFNET-44219An exception raises while visiting document with Absorber objectBug

Public API changes in Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.3

Added APIs:

  • Method Aspose.Pdf.DestinationCollection.GetExplicitDestination(System.String,System.Boolean) 
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment.IsolateTextSegments(System.Int32,System.Int32) 
  • Property Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentAbsorber.Text 
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentAbsorber.ApplyForAllFragments(Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font) 
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentAbsorber.ApplyForAllFragments(System.Single) 
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentAbsorber.ApplyForAllFragments(Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font,System.Single)