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Aspose.Tasks for Java 17.5 Release Notes

Features and Improvements

TASKSJAVA-326Tasks with custom timephased data has Percent Complete > 100% and MSP in XML format cannot be imported.Bug
TASKSNET-1917Formulas get corrupted after file saveBug
TASKSNET-1905Loading a MPP file using Aspose.Tasks throw exception An item with the same key has already been addedBug
TASKSNET-1899Recalculation of project sets percent complete to zero on milestone tasksBug
TASKSNET-1867Saving Project raises TaskWritingExceptionBug
TASKSNET-1814Erroneous calendar entry added in XML while converting MSP 2016 MPPBug
TASKSNET-1740Out of Memory error while saving MPP to PNGBug
TASKSJAVA-266Task duration shown wrong in MSP 2016 as compared to MSP 2010Bug
TASKSNET-1705Saving MPP file hangs and never returnsBug
TASKSJAVA-246Timephased data entries are repeated for AssignmentActualWork in the XML fileBug
TASKSJAVA-245Timephased data not copied while saving project as MPPBug
TASKSJAVA-236Wrong Actual Start, % Complete and Actual duration calculated while saving MPPBug
TASKSJAVA-215The value of actual start of parent node set to NA while loading and saving the projectBug
TASKSNET-1565TimephasedData written to MPP File shows wrong Work Values for the Last two daysBug
TASKSJAVA-332Project.getCustomProperties gives compilation error in latest releaseBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public classes were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.ApsLayoutBuilderOutOfMemoryExceptionRepresents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to continue an image layout building.
com.aspose.tasks.BitmapInvalidSizeExceptionRepresents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to create a bitmap instance.
The following public constructors were added to existing classes:Description
com.aspose.tasks.TimescaleTier.#ctor(int,int)Initializes a new instance of the TimescaleTier class.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.SaveOptions.getTimescaleTierReturns the timescale tier of the Gantt Chart view.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveOptions.setTimescaleTier(com.aspose.tasks.TimescaleTier)Sets the timescale tier of the Gantt Chart view.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSizeSpecifies the paper size which is used for printing.
The following fields were added to public enums:Description
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperA3Indicates A3 printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperA4Indicates A4 printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperB4Indicates B4 printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperB5Indicates B5 printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperEnvelope10Indicates Envelope10 printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperEnvelopeMonarchIndicates Envelope Monarch printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperExecutiveIndicates Envelope executive printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperLegalIndicates Envelope legal printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperLetterIndicates Envelope Letter printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.PrinterPaperSize.PaperTabloidIndicates Tabloid printer paper size.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.IsScheduledRepresents the IsScheduled (Task) field.
The following public methods’ signatures were changed fromTo