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Aspose.Tasks for .NET 17.5 Release Notes


TASKSNET-1918Tasks with custom timephased data has Percent Complete > 100% and MSP in XML format cannot be imported.Bug
TASKSNET-1917Formulas get corrupted after file saveBug
TASKSNET-1905Loading a MPP file using Aspose.Tasks for .NET throw exception An item with the same key has already been addedBug
TASKSNET-1899Recalculation of project sets percent complete to zero on milestone tasksBug
TASKSNET-1867Saving Project raises TaskWritingExceptionBug
TASKSNET-1814Erroneous calendar entry added in XML while converting MSP 2016 MPPBug
TASKSNET-1740Out of Memory error while saving MPP to PNGBug
TASKSNET-1718Task duration shown wrong in MSP 2016 as compared to MSP 2010 (.NET)Bug
TASKSNET-1705Saving MPP file hangs and never returnsBug
TASKSNET-1691Timephased data entries are repeated for AssignmentActualWork in the XML file (.NET)Bug
TASKSNET-1680Timephased data not copied while saving project as MPPBug
TASKSNET-1616Wrong Actual Start, % Complete and Actual duration calculated while saving MPPBug
TASKSNET-1574The value of actual start of parent node set to NA while loading and saving the project (.NET)Bug
TASKSNET-1565TimephasedData written to MPP File shows wrong Work Values for the Last two daysBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Public Types addedDescription

Represents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to continue

an image layout building.

Aspose.Tasks.BitmapInvalidSizeExceptionRepresents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to create a bitmap instance.
Public methods and properties addedDescription
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveOptions.TimescaleTierGets or sets the timescale tier of the Gantt Chart view. The default value is null.



Initializes a new instance of the class.
Public enumerations addedDescription
Aspose.Tasks.TaskKey.IsScheduledRepresents the IsScheduled (Task) field.