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Aspose.Tasks for .NET 18.8 Release Notes

All Changes

TASKSNET-1720Add an ability to create a new recurring task in MPPNew Feature
TASKSNET-709Support calculation custom fields by rollup optionNew Feature
TASKSNET-2570Extend support for saving HTML resources using MemoryStreamEnhancement
TASKSNET-2599Improve ExtendedAttribute API for Date, Duration and Decimal ValuesEnhancement
TASKSNET-2584Incorrect constraint type of summary taskBug
TASKSNET-2571End date option not working for some casesBug
TASKSNET-2552The task IsEstimated wasn’t saved in MPP formatBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Public Types addedDescription
Aspose.Tasks.ByMonthDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month.
Aspose.Tasks.ByMonthWeekDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on the position of a weekday in a month.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearWeekDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on the position of a weekday in a month.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyCalendarRepetitionRepresents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on calendar days.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a daily recurring task in a project.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyWorkRepetitionRepresents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on work days.
Aspose.Tasks.EndAfterRecurrenceRangeRepresents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by occurrence number.
Aspose.Tasks.EndByRecurrenceRangeRepresents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by finish day.
Aspose.Tasks.MonthlyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a monthly recurring task in a project.
Aspose.Tasks.MonthlyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base pattern for monthly day position.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurrencePatternBaseRepresents the base class of recurrence pattern.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurrenceRangeBaseRepresents the recurrence range of recurring task.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParametersRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a recurring task in a project.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a weekly recurring task in a project.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on week days.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base class for repetitions in weekly recurrence pattern.
Aspose.Tasks.YearlyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a yearly recurring task in a project.
Aspose.Tasks.YearlyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base pattern for yearly day position.
Public methods and properties addedDescription
Aspose.Tasks.ByMonthDayRepetition.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.ByMonthDayRepetition.DayPositionGets or sets a position of a day in a month on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.ByMonthWeekDayRepetition.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.ByMonthWeekDayRepetition.WeekDayGets or sets a type of weekday on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.ByMonthWeekDayRepetition.PositionGets or sets a position of a weekday in a month on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearDayRepetition.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearDayRepetition.DayPositionGets or sets a position of a day in a month on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearDayRepetition.MonthGets or sets a month on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearWeekDayRepetition.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearWeekDayRepetition.WeekDayGets or sets a type of week day on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearWeekDayRepetition.MonthGets or sets a month on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.ByYearWeekDayRepetition.PositionGets or sets a position of a weekday in a month on which the task must be recurring.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyCalendarRepetition.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyRecurrencePattern.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyRecurrencePattern.RepetitionGets or sets the pattern of repetitions in a daily recurrence pattern.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyRepetitionBase.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyRepetitionBase.RepetitionIntervalGets or sets a number of days which represents the interval in days between occurrences.
Aspose.Tasks.DailyWorkRepetition.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.EndAfterRecurrenceRange.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.EndAfterRecurrenceRange.OccurrenceNumberGets or sets the number of occurrences which limits the recurrence range of the recurring task.
Aspose.Tasks.EndByRecurrenceRange.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.EndByRecurrenceRange.FinishGets or sets the date which limits the recurrence range of the recurring task.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttribute.DurationValueGets or sets a value for attributes with ‘Duration’ type.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttribute.NumericValueGets or sets a value for attributes with numeric types (Cost, Number).
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttribute.DateValueGets or sets a value for attributes with date types (Date, Start, Finish).
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttribute.FlagValueGets or sets a value indicating whether a flag is set for an attribute with ‘Flag’ type.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttribute.TextValueGets or sets value for attributes with ‘Text’ type.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateExtendedAttribute(System.String)Creates a new extended attribute with the field ID which equals to this object’s field ID value and the specified text value.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateExtendedAttribute(System.Decimal)Creates a new extended attribute with the field ID which equals to this object’s field ID value and the specified numeric value.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateExtendedAttribute(System.DateTime)Creates a new extended attribute with the field ID which equals to this object’s field ID value and the specified date value.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateExtendedAttribute(Aspose.Tasks.Duration)Creates a new extended attribute with the field ID which equals to this object’s field ID value and the specified duration value.
Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateExtendedAttribute(System.Boolean)Creates a new extended attribute with the field ID which equals to this object’s field ID value and the specified flag value.
Aspose.Tasks.MonthlyRecurrencePattern.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.MonthlyRecurrencePattern.RepetitionGets or sets the recurring repetition pattern.
Aspose.Tasks.MonthlyRepetitionBase.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.MonthlyRepetitionBase.RepetitionIntervalGets or sets a number of days which represents the interval in days between occurrences.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurrencePatternBase.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurrencePatternBase.RecurrenceRangeGets or sets the recurrence range.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurrenceRangeBase.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurrenceRangeBase.StartGets or sets the start date of the recurrence range of the recurring task.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParameters.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParameters.DurationGets or sets the duration for one occurrence of the recurring task.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParameters.IgnoreResourceCalendarGets or sets a value indicating whether to schedule the recurring task even if it does not happen when any resources are available to work on it.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParameters.RecurrencePatternGets or sets the recurrence pattern of the recurring task.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParameters.TaskNameGets or sets the name of the recurring task.
Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParameters.SetCalendar(Aspose.Tasks.Project,System.String)Set a calendar for recurring task. The calendar is selected from project calendar collection.
Aspose.Tasks.TaskCollection.Add(Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskParameters)Inserts a new task before a task with the specified id and on the same outline level.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRecurrencePattern.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRecurrencePattern.RepetitionGets or sets the recurring repetition pattern.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRepetition.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRepetition.WeekDaysGets or sets a type of weekdays.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRepetitionBase.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.WeeklyRepetitionBase.RepetitionNumberGets or sets a number of days which represents the gap in days between occurrences.
Aspose.Tasks.YearlyRecurrencePattern.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.YearlyRecurrencePattern.RepetitionGets or sets the recurring position pattern.
Aspose.Tasks.YearlyRepetitionBase.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Public Enumerations addedDescription
Aspose.Tasks.PrjKey.GuidRepresents the GUID of a project