Aspose Words Cloud 17.5 Release Notes

The page contains release notes for Aspose.Words for Cloud update 17.5 – API Version 1.1.


Swagger notation was reworked to merge similar methods into one, making overall method list more consise. Specifically, the following variables are introduced into methods’ paths (note that they are optional in some methods):

  • {nodePath} - specifies path to a node (section or paragraph). Sample syntaxes:
    • sections/{sectionIndex} - references specific section
    • paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} - references specific paragraph
    • sections/{sectionIndex}/paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} - references a paragraph within a section.
  • {paragraphPath} - specifies path to a paragraph. Sample syntaxes:
    • paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} - references specific paragraph
    • sections/{sectionIndex}/paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} - references specific paragraph within section
  • {sectionPath} - specifies path to a section. Sample syntax:
    • sections/{sectionIndex} - references specific section
  • {tablePath} - specifies path to a table. Sample syntax:
    • {nodePath}/tables/{tableIndex} - references specific table in paragraph or section

Note that certain elements can be nested in cells or headersFooters, e.g. paragraph could be referenced by /sections/1/tables/1/rows/1/cells/1/paragraph/1.



Render complex document parts

The following elements support rendering as of 17.5

- page

- paragraph

- table

- drawingObject

- officeMathObject

The following formats are supported:

- bmp

- gif

- jpeg

- png

- svg

- tiff


WORDSCLOUD-173If storage does not exist, server returns “Object reference not set to an instance of an objectBug
WORDSCLOUD-178Sequence contains no matching element” Exception in GetComments methodBug
WORDSCLOUD-181Unable to Add Text to a Header in a Word DocumentBug

Create DELETE /v/words/{name}/{nodePath}/fields/{index} method

Deletes specific field from node (section or paragraph)


Create GET /v/words/{name}/{nodePath}/fields method

Returns all fields for the given nodepath


Create GET /v/words/{name}/{paragraphPath}/runs

Returns all runs in specified paragraph
