Actualizar y guardar un correo electrónico en Ruby

Aspose.Email - Actualizar y guardar un correo electrónico

Para actualizar y guardar un correo electrónico usando Aspose.Email Java para Ruby, simplemente invoca UpdateEmail módulo. Aquí puedes ver un ejemplo de código.

Código Ruby

 data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))) + '/data/'

\# Initialize and Load an existing MSG file by specifying the MessageFormat

email = Rjb::import('').load(data_dir + "Message.msg")

\# Initialize a String variable to get the Email Subject

subject = email.getSubject()

\# Append some more information to Subject

subject = subject + " This text is added to the existing subject"

\# Set the Email Subject


\# Initialize a String variable to get the Email's HTML Body

body = email.getHtmlBody()

\# Apppend some more information to the Body variable

body = body + "<br> This text is added to the existing body"

\# Set the Email Body


\# Initialize MailAddressCollection object

contacts = Rjb::import('').new

\# Retrieve Email's TO list

contacts = email.getTo()

\# Add another email address to collection


\# Set the collection as Email's TO list


\# Initialize MailAddressCollection

contacts = Rjb::import('').new

\# Retrieve Email's CC list

contacts = email.getCC()

\# Add another email address to collection


\# Set the collection as Email's CC list


\# Save the Email message to disk by specifying the MessageFormat + "UpdateMessage.msg", Rjb::import('').getOutlookMessageFormat())

\# Display Status

puts "Updated email message Successfully."

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