Trabajando con Listas de Distribución

Es posible crear una lista de distribución utilizando la API de Aspose.Email, que es una colección de múltiples contactos. Una lista de distribución se puede guardar en disco en formato MSG de Outlook y se puede ver/manipular abriéndola en MS Outlook.

Creando y Guardando una Lista de Distribución

El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo crear y guardar una lista de distribución.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Outlook();
string displayName1 = "Sebastian Wright";
string email1 = "";
string displayName2 = "Wichert Kroos";
string email2 = "";
string strEntryId1;
string strEntryId2;
string path = dataDir + "CreateDistributionListInPST_out.pst";
if (File.Exists(path))
// Create distribution list from contacts
using (PersonalStorage personalStorage = PersonalStorage.Create(dataDir + "CreateDistributionListInPST_out.pst", FileFormatVersion.Unicode))
// Add the contact folder to pst
FolderInfo contactFolder = personalStorage.CreatePredefinedFolder("Contacts", StandardIpmFolder.Contacts);
// Create contacts
strEntryId1 = contactFolder.AddMapiMessageItem(new MapiContact(displayName1, email1));
strEntryId2 = contactFolder.AddMapiMessageItem(new MapiContact(displayName2, email2));
// Create distribution list on the base of the created contacts
MapiDistributionListMember member1 = new MapiDistributionListMember(displayName1, email1);
member1.EntryIdType = MapiDistributionListEntryIdType.Contact;
member1.EntryId = Convert.FromBase64String(strEntryId1);
MapiDistributionListMember member2 = new MapiDistributionListMember(displayName2, email2);
member2.EntryIdType = MapiDistributionListEntryIdType.Contact;
member2.EntryId = Convert.FromBase64String(strEntryId2);
MapiDistributionListMemberCollection members = new MapiDistributionListMemberCollection();
MapiDistributionList distributionList = new MapiDistributionList("Contact list", members);
distributionList.Body = "Distribution List Body";
distributionList.Subject = "Sample Distribution List using Aspose.Email";
// Add distribution list to PST
string path1 = dataDir + "CreateDistributionListInPST_OneOffmembers_out.pst";
if (File.Exists(path1))
// Create one-off distribution list members (for which no separate contacts were created)
using (PersonalStorage personalStorage = PersonalStorage.Create(dataDir + "CreateDistributionListInPST_OneOffmembers_out.pst", FileFormatVersion.Unicode))
// Add the contact folder to pst
FolderInfo contactFolder = personalStorage.CreatePredefinedFolder("Contacts", StandardIpmFolder.Contacts);
MapiDistributionListMemberCollection oneOffmembers = new MapiDistributionListMemberCollection();
oneOffmembers.Add(new MapiDistributionListMember("John R. Patrick", ""));
oneOffmembers.Add(new MapiDistributionListMember("Tilly Bates", ""));
MapiDistributionList oneOffMembersList = new MapiDistributionList("Simple list", oneOffmembers);

Leyendo una Lista de Distribución desde un PST

El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo leer una lista de distribución desde un archivo PST.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
MapiMessage message = MapiMessage.FromFile(fileName);
MapiDistributionList dlist = (MapiDistributionList)message.ToMapiMessageItem();