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Aspose.Email for Java 20.12 Release Notes

All Changes

EMAILNET-40000Support for Time Format and TimeZone setting in HTMLSaveoptionsFeature
EMAILNET-40008Yearly Recurrence Not Finding All InstancesBug
EMAILNET-40013Missing Attachments Info on Printed MSGBug
EMAILNET-39978Aspose email gives an error but we do not understand what is wrongBug
EMAILNET-39980Cancel Appointment OutlookBug
EMAILNET-39997After Save extracted email having the margin issue in AsposeBug
EMAILJAVA-34776Stream-based API for email storage formats (PST/Mbox)Enhancement
EMAILJAVA-34770Special characters breaking in appointmentsBug
EMAILJAVA-34772Wrong version release date when loading licenseBug

New Features

Time Format and TimeZone Setting in HTMLSaveoptions

Now you can set the time and timezone display formats in HTMLSaveoptions.

The following API has been added:

  • HeadersFormattingOptions - Allows to specify headers formatting options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml or Html format.
  • HtmlFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent - Indicates that text from calendar event should be written in output html.
  • HtmlFormatOptions.RenderVCardInfo - Indicates that text from VCard AlternativeView should be written in output html.

Code sample:

MailMessage msg = MailMessage.load("fileName");
HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();
options.getFormatTemplates().set_Item(MhtTemplateName.DATE_TIME, "MM d yyyy HH:mm tt");