Enable and Configure IMAP Activity Logging in .NET Applications

Activity logging is used for debugging, as well as for collecting and analyzing working information about the IMAP client.

Enable Activity Logging

Use appsettings.json File to Enable Activity Logging

NOTE: This option is preferred for .NET Core applications.

Logging in ImapClient can be enabled with the following steps and code samples:

  1. Add an appsettings.json configuration file to a C# project, if it has not been added before.

  2. Make sure that the project file contains the following lines in the ItemGroup section.

       <Content Include="appsettings.json">
  3. Then, add the following content to the appsettings.json file.

         "ImapDiagnosticLog": "imap.log",
         "ImapDiagnosticLog_UseDate": true

The two properties mentioned above are:

  • ImapDiagnosticLog - specifies the relative or absolute path to the log file.

  • ImapDiagnosticLog_UseDate - specifies whether to add a string representation of the current date to the log file name.

Enable Activity Logging in Programm Code

You can also enable logging immediately in the code.

NOTE: even if you have already enabled logging by using configuration files, this option will be applied.

Logging in ImapClient can be enabled with the following steps and code samples:

  1. Create an ImapClient.
  2. Set the path to the log file using the LogFileName property.
  3. Set the UseDateInLogFileName property if it is necessary.
   using (var client = new ImapClient("your imap server", 993, "your username", "your password"))
    // Set security mode
    client.SecurityOptions = SecurityOptions.Auto;

    // Set the path to the log file using the LogFileName property.
    client.LogFileName = @"C:\Aspose.Email.IMAP.log";

    // Set the UseDateInLogFileName property if it is necessary.
    client.UseDateInLogFileName = false;

Use App.config File to Enable Activity Logging

ImapClient activity can be logged by modifying the configSections in the config file. Following are the steps to perform diagnostics logging:

  1. Add a sectionGroup called “applicationSettings”.
  2. Add a section called “Aspose.Email.Properties.Settings”.
  3. Include the setting ImapDiagonosticLog where the file name is defined in the applicationSettings/Aspose.Email.Properties.Settings.

Here is a sample form application which uses ImapClient to process mail. This whole activity is logged by modifying the App.config file.

  • Create a form based application with a single button on it. Add the following sample code for button’s click:
  • Add a reference to Aspose.Email.
  • Now add the App.Config file and modify it so that the file contents are as follows:

For C# .NET use the following option

For VB .NET use the following option
todo:image_alt_text   todo:image_alt_text  
  • Run the code and then observe Log folder. The following file will be generated.